June 15 2024

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At Breakfast Club this morning, we talked about what we (and others) look like. This subject is a big deal for many (most) people and it has been a big deal at Greystone too, but over time we grew out of that misconception. Fifty years ago, we had a beauty pagent at camp where awards were given for the “best legs”, “best figure”, and so on. What was “normal” camp fun in the 60s now strikes us as “wrong,”… and I am glad it does! Such awards make most campers feel bad about the way God made them… and that is SO WRONG. Jesus was not a man known for his beauty (it is NEVER mentioned, apart from Isaiah, who wrote that the Messiah would not be “comely to look upon”). God does not want us to focus on the outside but on the inside. Beauty and satisfaction are found in the love of Jesus, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the Perfect Plan of the Father. Perhaps our culture’s obsession with beauty has been getting less toxic in recent years, but it is still a problem. The subject is one I feel passionately about, for I have raised three daughters and seen the impact.

I encouraged the girls to be kind to themselves when they look in the mirror and overcome their own discomfort when someone else looks different. God makes people (all people) exactly right, and we should celebrate those details and trust that God does not make mistakes. Don’t let others destroy this “right perspective” in your heart. Such a perspective will spread light and joy.

Today is Saturday… the best day for many of us in a typical week! Saturday marks the high water point of the weekend. A day for “mindless” tasks that provide a sense of accomplishment (mowing the lawn, washing the car, organizing the garage, doing some shopping). A day to have fun… play golf, go to the club, catch a movie, eat dinner with friends. A day of great possibility. I hope many of you will take advantage of this last Saturday apart from your camper and perhaps even skip the blog and photos. Enjoy the time!

Today is also Challenge Day! Much team spirit is in the air as we compete in our classes for coveted team points. Tonight top it off with our first-ever EPIC GREEN/GOLD OLYMPICS. All EP’s from now on will be big events and the girls are anticipating each and every one.

  • Weather Hot (high 80’s), Sunny, no chance of rain Breakfast Sausage Links, Bagles
  • Joke Ike Pike and Mustard, “Pass the Bacon, Pig”
  • Lunch BLTs, Hot Fudge Brownie
  • Dinner Chicken Brocolli and Rice (green and gold!), Caesar Salad
  • EP Odd/Even Olympics

Have a Great Day!

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