June 10 2024

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Yesterday afternoon, I was struck by two moments of delight and inspiration. I read an email from the Creative Writing counselor (yes, we have a creative writing class), and a camper asked me a question I had never been asked before.

First, the email. As you read this, consider the amount of content and productivity that arose from this 40-minute class.

“We opened class by talking about creativity and communication, and read Genesis 1. We talked about God as creator, and that when we are creative, we are imaging him in the world. The prompt I gave them was to write from the perspective of a star that had just been made, and was watching the rest of creation. This piece is pretty incredible, and Ruby said you are welcome to share with anyone you like!”

Beauty Being Made

Ruby, age 13

I sat in the vast darkness, those surrounding me millions of miles away.

But something is going on, way down beneath. It is different and terrifying, but we are all on edge waiting.

In the ocean that acts as a mirror, something blocks my reflection. A fantastic creature arises suddenly. The name just comes to me, without an explanation.

And, as quickly as it came, I realized I couldn’t imagine a world without fish.

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Second is the surprising question. *For the first time in my life, a girl asked me, “How many species of fauna are there at camp?” It was an excellent question… for camp is located on the edge of the Appalachian Temperate Rainforest and has an astounding number of both flora and fauna species. So many, in fact, that I have never attempted to count them! It would be a study that would take a very long time and is probably worth the effort. She said that she was drawn to botony and was excited to get into more science classes in high school. Her curiosity has led to hours of contemplation as I walk around camp noticing little plants that I had previously ignored… and once again pointed to what amazing campers we have.

Thank you for sharing your precious girls. They are inspiring their fellow campers and the entire staff as well. We are honored to be a part of their life.

The nice weather continues… sunny skies, warm temperatures (78 degrees), low humidity (no chance of rain), and we are 4 days into a new moon. Camp is going great, and we are thankful.

Thank you for reading the blog. I hope you have a great day!

The Update:

  • Breakfast waffles and sausage
  • Joke: “Ike, Pike, & Mustard”
  • Lunch Chicken Strips and fries and Snickerdoodles
  • Dinner Carne Asada tacos
  • EP Rotating Group Night (Swimming, Ice Cream Party, Game Show)
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