Settling In! Monday May 27, 2024

I love seeing how quickly the girls have settled into camp. They are confident about the locations of classes, they run to their next class as soon as the bell rings, they have made several new friends, they are eating everything put out on the Salad Bar, and they put on great performances in the Cabin Lip Sync last night! Their enthusiasm is off the charts and such enthusiasm spreads like wildfire…we love this Junior Camp group and all agree it is the best camp session ever!

We awoke to the sound of rain on a tin roof. Such a wonderful sound and one that we embrace with delight at Greystone (calling it “liquid sunshine”). We skipped flag raising and went straight to the dining hall where we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit, and cereal. As today is Memorial Day, Jimboy briefly spoke about the importance of this day. He reminded the girls about respect for those who have sacrificed their lives for our country and the importance of taking time to honor them.

Since the rain was forecast to be around most of the morning (all clear by noon), he took a little more time than normal with his joke (a camper favorite: “Hair Spray”). The girls were in their classes at 10 when the wind began to pick up. They delighted in stomping the many mud puddles and doing classes as normal in the rain. This plan changed as the wind picked up and we took cover for about 30 minutes as the tail end of the rain system moved past us. We lost power (not unusual when a storm hits) but expect it back on soon. By 11:30, things were back to normal and the sun began to break through.!

The afternoon will be sunny and warm, the perfect setting for one of our favorite EP’s: CARNIVAL! Dinner and EP are combined into one event as we set everything up like a State Fair. The girls will have an hour and a half of pure joy running from food booth to inflatable ride and back to food. They will feast on grilled cheese, french fries, BBQ Sliders, Chicken Nuggets with Ranch, Watermelon slices, popcorn, cotton candy, ice cream sandwiches,and funnel cake, . We bring in six gigantic inflatable rides ranging from a bounce house to an obstacle course. Throughout it all, we have music playing and the girls dancing. It is a true highlight of Junior Camp every year!

Thanks for reading the Blog. We love having your girls here!