Spiritual Growth Resource Recommendations from Our Community

Growing spiritually at camp can feel as easy as breathing! Our days are filled with devotions, praise and worship, and engaging in DMCs with others who love the Lord. But what happens once you leave the Bubble? How does a Greystone Girl grow in her faith all year long?

There’s no substitute for prayer, reading the Bible, and participating in a local church, but these days, there are so many incredible resources to help you grow spiritually no matter where you are!

Last year’s post has some great suggestions that we still stand by, and this year, we asked around to our staff and Senior campers to see what spiritual growth resources they are loving right now. Check them out, and make sure to let us know what resources have helped YOU grow in your faith this year!


  • New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp: This daily devotion book has been a camp favorite for years! It includes 365 days of gospel-centered reflections that could apply to any stage of life.
  • The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness by Tim Keller: This super short sermon-turned-book will help you find freedom in thinking of yourself less.
  • Be Thou My Vision by Jonathan Gibson: This book guides the reader through 31 days of liturgies; it’s a great “quiet time” guide for someone who wants to structure that time intentionally.
  • At His Feet Bible studies: Read through a book of the Bible with a group or by yourself. These come highly recommended to us!
  • A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson: In this book, Peterson uses the Psalms to illustrate what real-life Christian growth looks like in our instant-satisfaction society.
  • Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer: Comer’s books have always been favorites around our office, and his new book focuses on modeling our lives after Jesus.
  • Book by Book by the Bible Study Schoolhouse: This pretty book is a great jumping-off point for reading the Bible; it gives helpful context and helps you see Jesus in every book.

Podcasts, Apps, and Websites

  • Lectio 365 app: This free app helps anyone pray through scripture twice a day, every day.
  • Whoa That’s Good Podcast by Sadie Robertson Huff: Sadie hosts authors and experts on her podcast to answer the question, “what is the best advice you have ever been given?”
  • The Bible Project: This website has a ton of great resources, including a podcast, app, videos, and reading plans to help you understand the Bible and Jesus’ good news better.
  • The Bible Recap podcast: This short, daily podcast is a helpful way to read and understand the Bible in a year.
  • Timothy Keller Sermons podcast and The Gospel Coalition podcasts: These podcasts will help remind you of the gospel any time you need it!
  • Dwell app: Listen to scripture being read to you through this app. You can listen to a particular book, listen through the whole Bible, or even go to sleep to passages specifically picked for that.
  • Journeywomen Resources: This hub has lots of Bible study resources and resources grouped by topic.

Resources from Greystone

  • Daily Devotions: Get devotions from camp counselors and ministers sent directly to your email each morning throughout the year! Subscribe to never miss one.
  • Listen to past Morning Assembly and Sunday sermon talks: Take yourself back to the Bubble anytime you like. You can re-listen to an old favorite or catch up on devotions from a session you didn’t attend!
  • Resources page: This page has lots more devotion and spiritual growth resource recommendations for all ages, going back years.