Come Work Opening or Closing Day!

Alums, Moms, Dads, Skip Year Girls, Friends of Greystone - this one is for you! Come join us for one of our Opening or Closing Days as we create the BEST SUMMER EVER for our campers. We need your help in pulling off this Greystone magic; join us this year!

We are looking for some die-hard Greystone fans to help us pull off our Opening and Closing Days this summer. For this year, we are especially looking for help during our June, Main, and August sessions, and you can see all of the dates on our website.

Working Opening or Closing Day is a great way to feel the excitement and energy of the Greystone experience – it is just plain fun! If you have a friend from camp, or a fellow mom who could embrace the Greystone spirit, sign up together; it’s even more fun with a buddy. Check out some testimonials below from some of the folks who helped us out last year - they have some great perspective on the experience!

We are especially looking for energetic helpers who can smile for 4 hours straight, stay on their feet, and keep their excitement going. If this sounds like you, come join us!

Want to know more? Read up on all of our details from our Fall Alumnae Sparks or go ahead and let us know you’re instered for this summer! Have questions? for more information. We hope to see you soon!

What Last Year’s Helpers Had to Say

Julie, mom to a former Greystone camper and counselor:
“When I saw the request for parents to help at the respective Opening Days and Closing Days at Camp last summer, I jumped at the chance. Having been through 11 such events with my daughter Catharine, being able to help and see things from a different perspective thrilled me, and my daughter whole heartedly “consented” to my presence. What I loved most of all was the joy I experienced as the cars rolled into camp with excited Greystone Girls and parents. It was awesome! I was always one of those parents who got slightly teary-eyed with utter happiness for my daughter as we drove into camp for Opening Day, and I found that I felt the same way helping unload a bunch of girls unknown to me.”

Riley, Skip Year camper:
“I loved working Opening and Closing Days because it was a good way to connect with campers. Because I was no longer a camper and not yet a counselor, I had a unique perspective. My job was to walk girls from their cars to their Group Leaders, and in that short walk, I engaged with the campers and got them excited about the summer ahead. Having been a camper for so long, I had lots to say to girls who were either seasoned pros or fresh faces. It was also a good way for me to prepare to be a counselor as it gave me a small taste of what my position would look like the following summer.”

Gwen, mom of a current camper:
When given the opportunity to work Opening Day, I jumped at the chance. I dropped my daughter off – smiles, pictures, and hugs – and away she went to her happy place. I circled around, parked my car and headed to the Fort. I was greeted with the same smiles, hugs and introductions. I was given a Greystone shirt and trained for my “job”. I welcomed campers and their parents at drop off. THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN! I got to tell campers their room assignment which was always met with squeals and joy.I met so many wonderful parents and girls. I would do it again and again. The interaction with Greystone staff and other parents made me feel even more connected to camp. I would definitely recommend this opportunity to other parents.

Kristi, mom to current campers:
“I have three daughters who are campers, and I wanted to get in on the fun! I loved being able to fully be a parent as we pulled in and saw camp staff waving and cheering us in. After dropping off the girls, I circled around to my post and met up with other camp staff at the exit to hand out scones (we may have eaten a few) and a little more camp info. Most parents had big smiles, but a few had teary eyes, and I was able to say, “I get it! My camper is there too.” I am already looking forward to this summer!”

Mary Elfreth, Greystone alum:
“Signing up to volunteer for Opening Day and Closing Day brings a smile to my face. I volunteer to reminisce about the joy and excitement of being a Camp Greystone camper. Connecting with the Greystone community is important to me. The time I spent there provided a foundation for success. Camp Greystone will always be a place I call home.”