Bringing Peace Home with You from Camp

If you were at Greystone for any length of time this summer, you know that our summer 2023 theme came from John 16:33:

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

We meditated on this verse in cabin devotions, Morning Assembly talks, and Sunday sermons with our camp ministers, and it only became richer for us as the weeks went on. Looking back on the last few months, it’s clear that there couldn’t have been a better theme for our 104th summer! As Jimboy said, it was a delightful, sweet, amazingly good year at camp, one where we keenly felt the Lord’s peace every day. Saying that we’re grateful doesn’t even come close!

Greystone is a place defined by peace for so many of us; we feel the burdens of the world melt away when we come through the gates. Here, the veil between heaven and earth feels thin and we know we can finally rest. As much as we might like to though, none of us can live inside the Bubble forever. So how does a Greystone Girl bring our summer theme home with her and cultivate peace in her life outside of camp?

That peace we feel at camp comes from so many things: a deep well of memories, knowing you are safe, setting your technology aside, and being truly yourself with friends who know and love you deeply… just to name a few! But the foundation of all of that, and the reason those things are so powerful, is the presence and love of the Lord that we feel here. He is peace incarnate, and every bit of peace we experience on earth finds its source in Him.

That is a truth we can cling to when we’re feeling camp-sick and unsure of how to cultivate peace in a world that can feel so hard. You may have left camp but the true Peace of camp has not left you! We see in John 16:33 that in Him (not our circumstances or location or status or achievements) we find our peace, and He promises to never leave or forsake those He loves.

So how do you start to bring peace home with you from camp? You remember that it’s not up to you to create your own peace! Jesus is our peace and He is already working within you and going before you no matter what comes your way this year. That is a truth you can return to over and over when the troubles of the world come to call.

Looking for some additional ways to connect with that camp kind of peace at home? Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

  • Root yourself in the gospel by re-listening to this summer’s Morning Assembly devotions and sermons or subscribe to our daily email devotions.
  • Schedule a weekly FaceTime call with your bunkmate to have a DMC.
  • Step away from your phone and other technology for at least a few minutes every day. Use that time to go outside, read a book, or do something that you love at camp!
  • Practice growing in the 4-Fold Way. Life just feels better when you’re tending to yourself regularly physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually. Think about where you can develop some new habits this year!
  • Start your day by listening to some Morning Assembly songs in the car on the way to school.

So Greystone Girls, how are you going to remember your true source of peace this fall? The transition home from camp can be jarring and starting a new school year can be overwhelming, but we are praying for you here in Tuxedo and you have a whole world of other Greystone friends out there who are doing the same. Hold those lights high until we can be back together again!