Thursday, August 3

RAIN! Liquid Sunshine! We love it when it rains at camp!

Campers and counselors alike get very excited when it rains (a fact which might surprise you… it surprises most adults who aren’t used to camp life), so when we awoke to the sound of rain falling on tin roofs it was with a big smile and high hopes for the day. Allow me to list a few points about rain at camp:

  • It provides a change to the normal camp routine (we slow things down, taking more time at breakfast, at morning assembly, and during rest hour). The change is refreshing!
  • It provides an experience unlike what we do at home (nobody encourages their children to go outside and swim/walk/run/play in the rain).
  • It is memorable (swimming and canoeing in the rain is something one remembers for a lifetime).
  • It is restful (everyone is more “chill” on a rainy day).
  • It is great for stories (sitting in a circle in a cabin and hearing a story told by your counselor is amazing).

We are glad that the girls can experience a Rain Day today!

About the Lip Sync EP… it is AMAZINGLY effective at bringing a cabin together and making every camper feel great about herself. There is something magical that happens after they perform on stage in this favorite EP. Perhaps it is the preparation and excitement that builds until that big moment when their cabin number is called. They have worked hard for this moment (they collectively decide their music, costume, and choreography for the entire cabin… not easy to get everyone to agree, but very exciting).

Perhaps it is that adrenaline-powered rush of frantic dancing as the song plays and the entire camp watches with rapt attention. Perhaps it is the surge of relief and satisfaction that follows such a performance, as the cabin strikes a pose one last time for the photographer and then runs back into the audience to catch the next act.

The Lip Sync EP is magic and provides a great moment for every camper who performs. After doing a lip-sync, the cabin just works better. The girls are more confident with their place in the cabin and status in the camp community. They relish the affirmation of the crowd and know that they are accepted and celebrated for their creativity and enthusiasm. After Lip Sync, they are ready for the big camp programs to come.

Tonight we will have a very exciting camp-wide program in the FORT… the girls will put on their craziest green and gold outfits and divide into the odd and even teams. They will scream out our team cheers and team songs in what we call “Team Fires”. The counselors will show them how to have fun/supportive competition as they go head to head in fun relays and games. roast s’mores, wear their green and gold outfits, and get ready for the big Challenge Day is coming on Saturday and this is our chance to build up that moment. Energy is high and everyone will have a blast in this exciting EP.

In one week we will have our Closing Vespers, which means that each day counts. We encourage the girls to savor the moments as they quickly pass. It is a rare gift to be in a place that celebrates the precious gift of time. The girls are LOVING camp and, at the same time, can’t wait to see you again. They are learning to hold both of these emotions at the same time… they are getting bigger. You are going to be so proud of how they have grown.

Some of you have asked how you can express your appreciation for our wonderful staff. If this is interesting to you check our our online “shout-out” form. We print off your encouragement and put it in their mail. It is a very kind thing to do and greatly appreciated by all of us.

  • Breakfast: “BIG HAIR” fun theme meal… Waffles and Sausage
  • Breakfast Club: Eat well (healthy)
  • Joke: Ike, Pike, Mustard “Pass the Bacon, Pig”
  • Weather: Rain!
  • Lunch: Hamburgers and french fries
  • Dinner: Pesto Pasta (no pine nuts, don’t worry)
  • EP: Team Fires