Almost Perfect

This is always an odd blog to write, for not many people read it. If you are one of the few that do, you are a kindred spirit. You love camp, just like me. You probably get an email that lets you know that a new blog has been posted and you open it rather than trash it (or unsubscribe). You might even miss camp tomorrow, just like me, so today let’s look back for a moment and appreciate what is past.

I have written the blog every morning since June 3. That is about seventy days… enough time to establish a routine that I enjoy very much. The Blog encourages me to notice the good of camp and share those observations in two ways: prayer and blog. The delight and inspiration of camp are abundantly clear when the campers and counselors are here. Those moments are nonstop… for camp is a 24-hour-a-day 7-day-a-week experience formed by the people who call it home. When a moment occurs, I pray (just thanking God and including Him in the moment). I also take an hour out of the day to write… and that is the role of the Blog. To share the delight and inspiration with you, the benefactors of camp.

My Thoughts On The Summer

This summer was delightfully easy.

  • The counselors, kitchen, office, maintenance, and cleaning crews worked together to accomplish every task exceptionally well. We have never done better.
  • The campers were wonderful… this is normal, but we are still grateful!

The renovations were appreciated, each making camp better for the girls.

  • Putt Cove is spectacular… an over-the-top celebration of simple lake fun.
  • Council Fire is a glorious inspiration… as it should be.
  • Rifle Range looks and works so much better now!
  • Health Hut nurse rooms and bathrooms… the old timers were delighted.
  • Kitchen, Tennis, Pickleball, Waterpark, High Ropes, High Adventure, Basketball, Volleyball, Fine Arts, Ceramics, Woodburning, Farm & Garden, Riding, Track, roads, plumbing, and River Trail were better than ever.

I entered this summer expecting it to be our best summer ever. It was.

  • Every session was amazingly good… parents, campers, counselors, and directors agree.
  • Every session was safe and filled with programs that surpassed our expectations.
  • Every session gained momentum as the summer progressed, ending on a high note. When we finish the summer with an August Camp like this, it marks this year as one that is worthy of being called “the best.” It was a great way to end.

I look back on the past few months with a profound sense of gratitude… The Lord knew we were tired after those Covid years… Thank You, Jesus!

It is very hard to say how it could have been better. 104 is in the books, and it will be a year to remember fondly.

So we close this chapter of camp history with a profound sense of gratitude.

  • To our parents who trusted us.
  • To our campers who made every day a delight.
  • To our Head Staff team, year-round employees, and counselors who inspired and instilled confidence.
  • For The Lord To HIM be the glory!

Thank you for reading… it has been a pleasure.