What to Expect on Monday

We can’t wait to FINALLY welcome you to camp on Monday!

Many of you have never been to camp before and wonder what it is going to be like… you are super excited (understandably, you have been waiting ALL SUMMER and possibly your WHOLE LIFE for this day to finally arrive) but you don’t know exactly what to expect. To you I say, just show up and we will do the rest! We will take you from your car to your cabin, help you make your bed, help you decorate your bunk, help you unpack your things, and show you around camp. While we are doing that, you will be making friends… LOTS of friends!

The first friends you will make will be the girls in your cabin. There will be a lot of them (7 or 9 other girls) and you will notice that a lot of them will be smiling. Smile back at them! When you do that, you have already made a friend! That is how we do it at Greystone, we smile and then we get to know each other. It is easy because every one does it. In just a few minutes, you will be surrounded by friends in the cabin and they will help you get settled in (and you will help them). It is a lot of fun.

You will then go with your new friends on a tour of camp. Your tour guide is also going to be one of the most favorite people you have ever met for she is your counselor. She is so cool… goes to college, knows everything about camp, is beautiful, is funny, is sweet, is kind, and is interested in you. All of your new friends will want to talk to her at the same time and she will just laugh and say “let’s talk while we walk” as you head out to explore camp.

Even if you have been to camp for several years you will amazed at the at what you see. There are SO MANY cool places, new things to do, buildings that weren’t there before, animals to pet, berries to pick, fields to run on, stages to show off on, and games to play. And as you walk and talk with your new best friends you know in your heart that you are going to like it here.

Then comes lunch. You will eat a picnic lunch with your cabin friends, sit in a circle with your friends in a “get to know you” rest hour at the cabin, run to assemblly with the whole camp in the FORT for a meeting, sign up for classes (SO MUCH FUN), jump in the pool (for a swim test, but it’s easy!), play on the slip and slide, in the hammocks, or perhaps do 9-square/tetherball/jimball/pickleball. Then it’s time for dinner… your first meal in the dining hall.

It is always exciting finding your table in the dining hall. Every table is numbered and you will have a place reserved in the best dining room you can imagine. It is easy to find your table, we help with that, and then you meet a bunch of NEW friends! These will be the girls you eat with at camp this year. You know how to make friends… do it again! Smile, talk, and feel that warm glow of connection. Who knows, one of these girls might be your best friend in the world! We will eat spaghetti (YUM), and there is amazing bread that was just baked, and fantastic cookies for dessert. You might want to check out the salad bar, it is HUGE and has tons of food that is different than what is on the table.

Evening Program will be a fun time to sit with your friends and watch the counselors do skits about the classes they teach. There are lots of classes and it is fun to see all the counselors be silly… they have fun doing these things… then it is time for crackers and to get ready for bed.

Your counselor helps you get ready, everyone brushes their teeth and gets settled under their covers just in time for lights out when the counselor will share a quick devotion then come to your bed to tuck you in and let you know how happy she is that you are in her cabin. You will drift off to sleep with the distant sounds of frogs in the lake and insects in the trees exhausted after a BIG DAY at camp. You might even be smiling as you close your eyes.

This is what will happen on Monday. How do I know? Because I have been doing this a long time, and I have seen it happen thousands of times already. We are finishing our best summer ever, and that is saying something. Our counselors are beyond amazing, the facility is virtually perfect, the program is finely tuned and amazingly fun, and the food is out of this world. All we need are our campers!