Surprise, Delight, Inspire

That was FUN!!! Yesterday’s theme day turned out as good as we hoped, which is to say a day to remember for years to come. A great day at camp will not only surprise and delight but also inspire. Yesterday was the very definition of a Great Day! A celebration of all things Taylor Swift is an obvious theme day at Greystone. Her songs played over the PA, costumes worn by all ages and stations in camp, big banners, colorful table coverings, accessories, a glitter station… all topped off with an amazing “merch table” with “must-have” t-shirts. Those shirts have already become a hot collectible (we have had calls, emails, and texts from friends and alums who want us to save them one). Sorry, everyone, these are strictly limited to the event itself! They “sold out” immediately and are now a part of Greystone lore.

The girls expected a big EP on such a big day, but when we announced a surprise Drew and Ellie concert, the dining hall exploded. Girls rushed to the Shepherd Gazebo stage immediately after lunch to save front-row seats for the program. In 10 minutes, the front three rows were already reserved with crazy creek chairs or towels. Campers and counselors alike LOVE the Holcombs, who have been a part of our Greystone Main Camp experience for 16 years. The love just grows with every passing year, making this event a MAJOR moment of the year. Perfect weather, beautiful singing, exuberant dancing… it was the high water mark of an incredible day in an incredible summer. Their songs, matched with Ellie’s genuine love of Jesus and gratitude for His blessings, make for a truly moving experience. Great Day Indeed!

Today, we will have another Great Day… celebrating those girls who have been coming to camp for a long time (five years or more… three of those years at Main Camp). Main Camp is not an easy session to attend. It requires much from the girls and their families. To make these sacrifices marks these girls as “Greystone Fanatics,” and we celebrate their love of camp on this day. The girls wear their white dresses, get a yellow rose, and are honored in a ceremony. Girls look forward to finally participating in this program, it is a lovely (quiet) event that will be enjoyed by all.

Thank you, parents (and grandparents) who encourage your girls to attend this camp. What we experience during this month in “the bubble” is profoundly good but only possible because of your wholehearted support. The most encouraging emails, letters, phone calls, and texts are usually from Main parents. Your appreciation of each facet of camp spurs us to greater efforts to surprise and delight. We are so very grateful to have your support in our mission: To delight and inspire for the Glory of God.

  • Breakfast Pancakes and sausage
  • Lunch Chicken Strips and Tots, bar cookies
  • Breakfast Club The benefits of long term relationships (used the example of Drew and Ellie over the years)
  • Joke “Pass the bacon, pig”
  • Weather Cooler (80 degrees) breezy, beautiful mountain day with a chance of afternoon showers.
  • Dinner A Garden party by the lake (cucumber sandwiches, pimento cheese sandwiches, pasta salad, poached salmon, green salad, fancy drinks)