Super Comfortable

The skies are overcast again, making camp SUPER comfortable during our morning activities. Rain is forecast to arrive around 2:00 (Rest Hour) but move out about an hour later. This means the whole day will have a cooling cloud cover and provide a comfortable theater experience for tonight’s production of Seussical the Musical.

The Junior production is always a treat. The staff and campers work very hard on every aspect of the production (voice, acting, choreography, costumes, set, lighting, and audio), thus ensuring it “works” as a show. We always are amazed at the Junior production, perhaps because of a natural bias against anything labeled “Junior,”… but at Greystone, Junior is a badge of honor. Everyone will celebrate their achievement with a standing ovation.

All of our camp productions show the influence of one of our most senior counselors Mary Ellen Stebbins. Mary Ellen was a camper for many years, returned as a counselor for her college years (our longest serving Harvard counselor), then returned every summer (taking a break from her job in New York as a highly regarded lighting designer) to teach riflery and produce great camp productions. Her influence was evident in last night’s Senior Celebration, which was absolutely lovely and expertly managed. The girls’ talent shines when the stage is set so perfectly and the music and voices so easy to hear. Nothing to distract us except the beauty of the sunset, moonrise, a calm lake, a mist-shrouded mountain, and thousands of fireflies rising at our feet.

Thanks again for your support.

  • Breakfast: Quiche Lorraine
  • Weather: Overcast, Rain likely in the afternoon (no beautiful moonrise will be seen tonight)
  • Lunch: Turkey, Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato sandwiches
  • Dinner: Greek Night (Moussaka, Beef Souvlaki, Spanakopita, Taziki Sauce, etc.)
  • EP: Seussical the Musical (Junior Production)