Sunday July 16

Our Third Sunday will feature sunny warm weather, relaxed cabin time, pretty dresses, spiritual insights, afternoon naps, and evening concerts. The perfect ending to a week which featured some fabulous EP’s (Group Night, Corn Roast, Late Night Silent Disco, Do Nothing Day, Talent Show, and Council Fire) and some spectacular accomplishments in departments (two girls passed their advanced patch in tennis and expert level in archery).

I include Council Fire in the EP list (not typically a “fabulous EP”) because of a surprising weather event… you guessed it: rain. We were in the renovated Council Fire area, and the program was well underway (the talk about finishing well was over, and we were about halfway through the awards) when the sky darkened, and we felt a few raindrops. That is never a good sign in a temperate rainforest (technically, that is where camp is located). It rained while we rushed through the rest of the awards and the weather cleared by the end of the program. We sang taps and dismissed immediately since the torch had gotten drenched and would not light. It was fun and very memorable!

Stumblers this morning had slightly smaller attendance than the other Sundays… as expected. To get the coveted shirt, one must run at least three times… most girls run the first and second Sunday… only the most enthusiastic run all four. I don’t blame the girls for sleeping in! The extra minutes in bed are appreciated at this point in camp. We delight in the full days, but they do add up. The average camper walks over 5 miles a day just going to classes and programs. We are constantly socializing, playing, dancing, and singing. Don’t think that fun isn’t tiring! Sundays are most appreciated.

Our Do Nothing Day last week is still getting rave reviews (many campers would like us to do it multiple times during Main Camp). The fun of doing nothing would be diminished if it was routine… but it is sure appreciated when it is a surprise extra. The camp-wide cabin competitions in the FORT were particularly great (every cabin sitting together in tables and chairs that were rented for the occasion) brought a smile, the Dr. Pepper delivery brought a cheer, and the awards for winning made the stakes very high in the world of camp. The memory makes me smile!

Tonight will be our last concert on the lawn. It will be a major dance party featuring a local band the girls absolutely love… this group played for my daughter’s wedding a few years ago and we have enjoyed their music ever since. So much fun! The weather looks great for a memorable dance party with everyone wearing their whites by the lake.

Enjoy your day; thanks for checking in.

  • Breakfast Buffet
  • Weather Sunny, blue skies, 84 degrees, no chance of rain
  • Moon Phase 2% Waning Crescent
  • Church Featuring Alum Elizabeth Madden Pehrson (Brother Reid is out of town today)
  • Lunch Cheesy Chicken
  • Dinner Picnic featuring leftovers, personal pizzas
  • EP Concert on the Lawn