
Another beautiful morning, another Great Day… This is the chorus of our Greystone song every summer. Some beautiful mornings are rainy, and some are sunny, but all are great in their own way. This is the reality of camp, and almost everyone here “gets it”. For those who are fully engaged, it is an experience marked by joy.

Today’s Devotion on Joy, is insightful. Catherine’s point was that Joy (which is not defined as happiness but deep contentment) has a foundation of hope. When our hope is in something real (God’s promises), our hope leads to joy. Campers and counselors whose faces show peaceful contentment are campers and counselors who are living lives marked by unselfishness. They are kind to others and turn conversations (to others and to themselves) outward, not inward. The more we do this, the happier we are. The majority of our community is living life in this manner, and their influence is what makes Greystone such a sweet place.

Tonight we will celebrate some of these leaders in our first Council Fire. First, we will acknowledge those girls who have chosen to enter our Permanent Honor Council leadership program. These girls will have their names called out and asked to stand with the members of the Permanent Honor Council to recite the pledge: Believing that Sincerity, Courage, Honesty, Kindness, and Truth culminate in the Spirit of Greystone, we pledge ourselves to strive ever toward these high and noble ideals. These girls will attend a leadership class as a part of their scheduled activities and to do various service duties around camp. It is a very good program and has a very positive impact on our camp. We see these girls as bright lights in our community and expect great things from them in the world.

The highest award given this evening will be the Spirit of Greystone Award. Campers of all ages are eligible for this award that recognizes campers who are shining examples of our Honor Code. A select few campers will be recognized with this award, and when their names are called, most of the campers will know that girl and celebrate the validity of this affirmation. At the end of the fire, the celebration squeals of delight will be shared by her entire cabin and other close friends who rush to embrace the moment. It is a wonderful award and has become a beloved part of Council Fire.

It is another warm day (high of 83), another sunny day, another day with afternoon showers possible, another day of activities, great food, conversation, and creativity. I will be giving a tour of camp to a visiting camp director; it will be fun to see everything from the perspective of another camp person.

There was a technical issue uploading EP photos… we lost all of them… Sorry!

Thanks for checking in, thanks for supporting our mission, thanks for sharing your girls.

  • Breakfast Waffles and Bacon
  • Breakfast Club Mental growth… unselfish conversations (focus on the other girl not yourself, learn something new from her)
  • Joke Paint the Porch
  • Lunch Smoked Turkey, Sprinkle Cookes
  • Weather Sunny, 83 degree high, chance of afternoon showers
  • Dinner Mojo Pork, redbeans and rice
  • EP Council Fire