Happy Taylor Swift Day

Today is, of course, the day that Taylor Swift released her re-recorded album “Speak Now”… a fact that the Main campers are well aware of. One of the most frequent suggestions submitted by campers (we have a suggestions box at the hostess cabin) was to have a celebration of Taylor Swift on July 7th. It was obviously a great idea, so we revealed a surprise theme day at the picnic breakfast this morning. We gave everyone super collectible T-shirts, set up a purple glitter decoration station, and embraced everything Taylor. Her music will play from the PA between classes, during meals, and throughout the day. We will have a special EP to top it all off. It will be a fun day!

The sun is shining brightly, no clouds and a steady cooling breeze is bringing the temperatures down a bit. Classes are in full swing, with campers keen to pass levels after our first Council Fire last night. Most activity areas gave out patches, including the very rarely achieved “Expert Bow Hunter” given to a Senior camper, Melanie M. (who will now shoot left-handed and attempt to pass all the levels again). There is something inspiring about a patch… we all want one now!

I told the “Georgia Willis” story that my mother loved so much (about a poor girl who worked hard to shine in her corner, thereby inspiring others). It is a very dated story in every way, but still appropriate. We all have different abilities and are put in different roles in the world, but God uses all of us to shine His light in the world. It is a lesson that resonates at camp, where we all see the impact of the youngest campers (their enthusiasm delights and inspires in every corner).

We only have two more Sleep Late Fridays this summer… hard to believe how quickly time is passing. Our days are packed with “can’t miss” EPs, favorite meals, shop dates, dance parties, and classes. We collapse into our bunks with sighs of contentment and quickly fall asleep. Life is good and we are grateful. It is important not to take these days for granted… they should be savored and relished with abandon. Lived fully, appreciated at the moment, not squandered. We set goals, we take time with friends, and we learn new skills. In such a setting, how could we have enough time? It is NEVER enough! What a great feeling.

Thank you for allowing us this opportunity.

Our counselors are working very hard and enjoying every minute with your daughters! It is a job unlike anything they have ever done before. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; you can imagine how exhausting it is! On top of that, for many counselors this is their first “real” job. They feel the highs and the lows of “real life” keenly and sometimes wonder if anyone notices their efforts. Many parents ask how they can express their gratitude to a particular counselor who is having an impact. Some have asked how to do this for the staff in general. Anything you do is appreciated and will have a huge impact… and we have made it SUPER EASY for you with an online form. Please take a moment to say thank you if you feel inclined. I know the counselors will appreciate it greatly.

  • Sleep Late Friday picnic breakfast, “Speak Now” theme day
  • Breakfast bagels, assorted flavored cream cheeses, sausage, fruit
  • Weather Sunny, warm, steady cooling breeze, slight chance of rain
  • Moonphase Waning Gibbous (mostly full but getting smaller)
  • Lunch Mac & Cheese, ham, green beans
  • Dinner Pot Roast
  • EP Special EP that will be outside; too bad the moon rise is after taps