Curtain Call

Wow… all I can say is wow. Mary Poppins was an ambitious choice for the Senior Play. It is long (lots of dialog to memorize 2.5 hours long), complex (choreography with large groups, lots of set design, lots of costume work), and has high expectations associated with it (everyone knows Mary Poppins). I knew it would be great (my camp glasses assure that response), but I didn’t expect to be moved to tears. Mary Poppins, the movie, has never impacted my emotions in that way. I expected to laugh, smile, and marvel at the quality of the production… but at several points, I found my eyes misting up, and as I quickly wiped my eyes was surprised to see others in the audience doing the same. At the curtain call, as the flowers were being distributed and the crowd was all on their feet cheering with delight, a crew member openly wept on stage and was comforted by a friend. It was a moving moment I will not soon forget.

Camp is like this now. Tears come quickly as moments are experienced deeply. The tears are happy, and they are sad at the same time. It is a very sweet emotion and marks the high water mark of the summer for us all. Don’t be worried if your daughter comes home crying… they are good tears.

Today we enjoy our last full day of classes, start packing to go home, and savor a bookend moment as we enjoy the Closing Vespers EP on the Pagent Court. Opening Vespers was just yesterday… how is camp already ending? The last moments rush by all at once in a blur. We are all a bit shocked.

Thank you for making it possible. If you get a chance to listen to today’s Devotion, it is worth the short time (about 10 minutes). It nicely encapsulates this summer’s theme.

A few details:

  • Breakfast Pancakes and Sausage
  • Weather Warm (84 degrees) breezy, lower humidity (feels good)
  • Moonphase First Quarter (48%)… beautiful
  • Lunch Chicken Marsala
  • Dinner Ribeye Steak and potatoes
  • EP Closing Vespers