Our Sunday Plan

All Greystone Girls know that Sundays are special… we do what Dr. Sevier taught and keep the Lord’s Day! This not only honors the Lord, it makes for a better camp! The daily routines and classes are awesome, but by this point in the session we yearn for a break. The cheers that erupted when we announced the Sunday schedule were a sign of this reality!

Our Sunday schedule starts with Stumblers (our Sunday morning running club) at 8:30, a leisurely buffet breakfast from 9:00-10:15, lots of time for cleaning our hair and bodies of “The Greystone Grime”, 11:30 worship in the FORT, a big Sunday “dinner”, long Rest Hour, free time with lots of activities and a mini-talent show, a buffet picnic, and a ‘night at the movies’ EP. Our first week has been incredible… So Much Fun! So Much Laughter! But today we take a break to reflect on our blessings and give thanks to God. We love Sundays, which have been updated in some very nice ways over the years.

Stumblers is run on our famous River Trail, one of the most beautiful and interesting settings in the area. Features include:

  • Farm Barn: Our entrance to the trail, walking between paddocks of cows, sheep, goats, alpacas, pigs, rabbits, ponies, a tortois, and lots of chickens.
  • Hidden Lake: a large lake that is only partially visible from our front campus. This area teems with wildlife, the star being the Bald Eagle who has assumed the lake as his territory. Also of note are the otters, beavers, snapping turtles, blue herons, wood ducks, mallards, and Canadian geese.
  • Camp the trail follows the western shore of Lake Edith, providing an unobstructed view of the entire camp from across the lake as we exit the Farm Barn. Very few campers have ever seen this view before and it is a wonderful aspect of the new trail.
  • Green River a Class 2 trout stream that is the water source for Lake Summit. It is a beautiful river, very deep and flowing steadily next to the hidden lake and the back pastures. River Otters, beavers, and lots of birds are seen along the shore.
  • Outback Pastures a series of pastures that occupy the high ground next to hidden lake. The trail follows these pastures back to the Farm Barn by the backside. The views are amazing, very different from any other place in camp.

By the time we complete two 1.5-mile laps, we feel lucky to be here. Such a beautiful world, such wonderful people, such a wonderful place… it is a great way to start the day!

At 11:30 we enjoy church together. There is something special about church at camp. Our community is very tightly connected and we already have a sense of our unique strengths as a group. The Holy Spirit always uses camp to heal and encourage the group… this is why worship time at camp is particularly powerful. Sam Kennedy, an RUF minister from the University of Tennessee, is our camp minister this session. His devotions can be heard if you click his name above… they are fantastic. Sam has become famous for dancing with his family and the girls on stage during free time after EP. He is delightful and has a wonderful way of relating to the girls.

There is a good chance of rain during rest hour, always a wonderful combination. The sound of rain falling on a tin roof is one of my favorite memories of my camper days. The temperature drops 10 degrees, making a camp cot the most cozy place in the world to snuggle under a blanket. This will be the first rain of the summer, it is sure to be a good one.

Tonight we will have a movie night at the FORT. PJ’s, popcorn, and candy. With warm temperatures and a cool breeze coming off the lake, it promises to be the perfect ending to a perfect day.

Thank you for checking in. Anyone reading a Sunday post must be a true camp fanatic. Your support and prayers are MOST APPRECIATED!