Junior Closing Day

Closing Day is marked by the full range of emotions. We are sad to close out the session and see the campers leave. We are happy to reflect on how much both the campers and staff have grown. Our hearts are full with joy for another successful Junior Camp. We are at peace and are equipped to continue growing in the Four Fold Way at home. Most importantly, we are overflowing with gratitude.

We are thankful for our Junior Campers! We miss them already. It’s amazing how quiet camp gets when you no longer hear the sound of girls singing, cheering, and laughing echo throughout camp.

We are thankful for you, our parents! We could not have a camp without the campers, and we are always happy to hear you making plans to send your daughter again next summer.

We are thankful for the Lord. Our mission is to delight and inspire growth for the glory of God. For that to happen, it is essential that God be with us. That He fills this place with His Spirit and uses all circumstances for good. He certainly did so at Junior Camp, and it is impossible to express how grateful we are.

Be sure to check out the Junior Camp Bubble on your way home (the password is in your email.) We have added a Highlights sheet as well as this year’s Cooking class recipes. You will also find a copy of the nighttime devotions the counselor shared with the campers every night.

Thank you again for another wonderful start to Summer 2023. We hope to see you next year!