June Camp... We're Ready!

Hi June Campers

I’m sure you are experiencing all of these emotions today:

  1. Excitment about Monday! We are JUST AS EXCITED as you!!!
  2. Nervousness about a lot of little things. We completely understand! It is often hard to start an adventure or meet new friends. DON’T WORRY! It is going to be SO MUCH FUN! You will be settled in no time at all.
  3. Wondering if you forgot anything. Just follow our Opening Day instructions and we will take care of the rest.

So let’s get going!

A few updates on what I’m excited about:

  • Just finished an amazing Junior Camp! It was a bit chilly at first, but the campers LOVED EVERY MINUTE!
  • Just finished the best Orientation EVER! We have a remarkable group assembled and have bonded into a tight knit group who radiate joy. They are amazing!
  • June Camp starting. Three week camp is better than a perfect vacation… our eyes are big and we are smiling ear to ear.
  • Food… Greystone bread and honey, here I come!

So drive safely. If you have any questions, just ask. We can’t wait to see you on Monday!