Chicken Day

Any day that begins with Chic-Fil-A biscuits is a GREAT DAY, and that is what we enjoyed for breakfast this morning. We slept late and set out a lavish breakfast buffet that featured the special theme of the day, “CHICKEN DAY.” We had our local franchise (who loves Greystone) deliver biscuits and will continue the theme for lunch, dinner, and EP. The girls changed the sheets on their beds and went to morning assembly at the normal time. One extra hour of sleep made a discernable difference to the camp morale. Everyone just seems more relaxed and comfy.

Routines are the backbone of camp life. Changes to those routines make the days stand out! Little things like shirts: whites on Sundays, Taco Cat Tuesdays, Wildlife Wednesdays, Jersey Thursdays, and so on. Occasional changes come as a complete surprise to me because they are fun moments arising from the ranks (campers or counselors). Sometimes these moments are a hit, sometimes a miss… but we always celebrate the effort because WE LOVE Simple Camp Fun!

Last night’s Birthday Ball and talent show was a hit. The birthday girls walked up the hill to our house (located behind the Fine Arts Center) to celebrate their birthdays in style. They were SO EXCITED to be called out during Flag and cheered by their friends as they departed for the special meal. Their delight went through the roof when they saw the decorations, the presents, the food, the drinks, and the fancy birthday cakes. After dinner, we showed them around the house and chatted nonstop till it was time for the Talent Show.

The FORT was the perfect place to watch the show. 25 acts produced a really great variety show. By the time the show ended, it was dark outside, and we ran back to our cabins through wet grass (a light rain shower hit during the show). It was a perfect EP for camp. The girls are still talking about it!

Perfect weather, wonderful campers, amazing counselors, delicious food, awesome activities… these are the facets of our world. We love enjoying it all with your girls. We sense that time is slipping through our fingers, and we need to make the most of every day. For many girls, this means taking time to say thank you… time to have a long talk… time to make extra efforts in a favorite class. You can do a lot in a week, or you can fritter it away. Most girls are making the most of every day.

  • Breakfast Chic-Fil-A, fruit, yogurt
  • Lunch Spiced Chicken Tacos, Chocolate and White Chocolate chip cookies
  • Dinner Chicken Sandwiches
  • EP Chick-fil-A Gameshow

Thank you so very much for sharing your girls and keeping up with camp life.

Enjoy your weekend!