Banquet Day

Today is the last full day of camp. It’s a bittersweet day as everyone wants to enjoy their last moments with their new friends, cabinmates, and counselors, but they are also very excited to see you to tell you about their camp experience. We have one more full day to spend with each other in the best place on earth, and we will cherish every moment!

The campers will kick off the day with their final three classes, enjoy a picnic lunch together, and pack during Rest Hour for their departure tomorrow. Other moments will be filled with expressions of gratitude, joyous laughter, and celebrations of the new friendships made here.

Just like the campers, our counselors are soaking up every last moment of camp. Many of the Junior counselors only work this session. Family trips, internships, school, and other summer plans prevent them from working the entire summer at Greystone. Junior Camp is a great way for young campers to be introduced to Greystone, and it’s also the perfect way for our staff to get a taste of the bubble before the rest of their summer plans. They come in for four days of training prior to the start of Junior Camp, and then work the session without any days off. They have poured into your daughters, loved them, and cheered them on as campers learned new skills in classes. We are so thankful for this Junior Camp staff and hope to have them back for many years to come.

Tonight we will celebrate the end of camp with a Banquet! It is an event that the campers anticipate with curiosity and excitement as they wait to discover the (top secret) theme of Banquet. The counselors perform an adapted story complete with costumes, singing, and choreography. We’ll have a delicious meal served in a decorated Dining Hall, toasts, favors, and the final team scores announced.

At Junior Camp, we end the evening with a shortened version of Council Fire. This is one of those traditions that dates back to the beginning of camp. We will walk up to the (newly remodeled!) Council Fire Ring and turn our attention to “important things” as we hear about the secret of Greystone (unselfishness).

We cannot wait to welcome you all into camp tomorrow morning to pick up your girls! We know your girls will be excited to give you a big hug and show you around camp.

Please plan to arrive at camp between 9:00am - 11:00am and plan to depart camp no later than 11:30am. You’ll enter camp the same way you did on Opening Day (through the Staff Entrance at 21 Camp Greystone Lane), and we will guide you to the cabin area to pick up your daughter!

Breakfast: French Toast, Sausage, Fruit Bar
Lunch: Tacos in a Bag
Dinner: Banquet Dinner–Chicken Fingers, Roasted Green Beans, Macaroni and Cheese

Jimboy’s Breakfast Club: The fable of the Frog and the Scorpion. You have choices in your life and have the power to choose what is good. Your parents, teachers, and counselors encourage you to choose the good in life.

Thank you once again for your support. Thank you for sharing your girls. And thank you for reading the Blog. We are beyond grateful for you and your amazing daughters!