All Good

Yesterday’s rain did not impact our program very much. Nothing fell until midway through the afternoon classes. At that point, it rained hard for about 30 minutes then cleared in time for the picnic dinner and campfires. It was a perfect picnic dinner to celebrate Dog Day and the S’mores time with our cabins was a fun treat before the show. The girls are so great to be with during these special end-of-camp moments. These kinds of events make my summer. Such moments are remembered for many years.

We loved the Production Show last night. I was smiling ear to ear for the entire 40-minute extravaganza. The dance numbers were innovative and ran like a clock. Most dances rotated two groups in each number (thus giving many campers the opportunity for a front-row spotlight position on the stage). The girls were so confident, too! They claimed their moves with that flair that makes non-dancers (like me) gasp with delight. The singing was loud and confident, matched with choreography and complicated rotations of solo numbers. The guitar girls played Taylor Swift (of course), thus getting full audience participation. Such a great time! We loved it.

Since it ended early, we had plenty of time to shower and get warm and cozy afterward. A light rain started about halfway through the show, encouraging all to make full use of the cabin time.

These big productions play a big role in camp. The whole community celebrates the hard work these campers and counselors put into the show. Their gifts and commitment are evident and worthy of the standing ovations that give. I always love to be in the audience and am constantly amazed at the talent.

One of our June campers, about 20 years ago became an actress on Broadway (she played Glenda in “Wicked” for a long time). Everyone knew she was special when she played the lead in the June Camp play two years in a row. We were blown away by each performance. She hit every note perfectly, spoke with delightful inflections, and effortlessly moved about the stage with grace and style… we knew she had a gift and celebrated that fact. We never know when we will experience a moment when a star is born!

Tonight, we will enjoy the last “regular” EP of the session (we only have Closing Vespers and Banquet left!)… our June Camp Play “Seussical the Musical.” It is wonderful to be back in the Pavilion, the building that was the setting for almost every EP for 100 years. We have hosted hundreds of plays and thousands of performances in this building. It is the Ryman Auditorium of Tuxedo… a magical place that makes every performance better. We can’t wait!

  • Weather Just like yesterday… cloudy, occasional rain, highs in the 70s.
  • Breakfast Grits, Sausage, Eggs
  • Breakfast Club Theme Spiritual Growth… reading the Bible
  • Joke Ike Pike and Mustard meet a Geni
  • Lunch Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches, Bread Pudding!
  • Dinner Spaghetti Casserole

Thanks for checking in.

Have a great day!