What Happens the Rest of Opening Day - New Camper Blog Series

Hello new campers! It’s the month of May, which means that camp is just around the corner. We cannot wait for ALL of our campers to arrive, but we are especially excited for our new campers to get here. There’s nothing that beats that first-time experience of pulling into camp. We will see you soon!

As you’re thinking about your arrival, you can find so many great details about Opening Day on our website and in our Parent Handbook. Make sure to check your arrival time and that your luggage is tagged (with the luggage tags we will send 3 weeks prior to the start of your session). The drop-off process is a lot of fun, and we hope your daughter will be ready to jump out of the car and start her first summer at camp!

But, you may be wondering: what happens the rest of Opening Day? Here’s some more details about that first full day of camp:

Walking up to the cabin: After campers hop out of their cars, they walk over to our Group Leaders who will then walk them up to their specific cabins. Counselor(s) will be waiting at the cabins to greet each camper with a hug (and a nametag!), and it is then so much fun to meet fellow cabinmates.

Settling in: As the girls are walking up to their cabins, our trailers will be bringing up luggage at the same time. Once luggage arrives, it’s time to unpack! The counselors will be there to help with all of the things that need to happen: making the beds, unpacking clothes into the drawer under the bunk, hanging up towels, putting shoes on the shoe rack, and more. It’s a little crazy but also a lot of fun! It’s also a great opportunity for your daughter to practice independence as she sets up her space to make it her own.

Health check: Once everyone arrives, cabins will eventually head over for a quick health check. We make sure all the girls are feeling their best and are lice-free to start camp. After the health check, the group will stop by the Dining Hall for an Opening Day scone – yum!

Morning activities: The rest of the morning is filled with more settling in as girls are getting acclimated to camp. Cabins will start taking tours, and campers at our June, Main, and August sessions will work on their schedules. Campers will also finish any final unpacking that needs to happen. Through it all, your daughter’s counselor(s) will be there helping.

Lunch: By lunchtime, girls are hungry and ready for their first Greystone meal. Cabins eat picnic style, allowing each cabin group to continue playing some get-to-know-you games. It’s a delicious lunch that is much appreciated by all!

Rest Hour: We have Rest Hour each day at camp, but this first Rest Hour is a little different than on a normal camp day. During this first Rest Hour, the cabin group will sit on the floor and go over some camp and cabin details. Counselors explain how the job wheel works and what to do if a camper ever needs anything. Girls review our Honor Code and talk through different ways to include and support each other. During this same Rest Hour, each cabin will meet their Group Leader (who oversees your daughter’s specific age group).

Welcome Assembly: We kick off our first afternoon with an assembly to officially welcome all of our campers to Greystone. It’s so much fun to see our entire camper together for the very first time! The girls will meet the Directors, get excited about the fun to come, and go over some camp policies.

Afternoon Activities: The afternoon is then filled with more fun! During this afternoon time, each cabin will have their cabin photo taken and jump in the pool for the first time for their swim check (check out what the girls will do at the swim check for each session). Girls will also learn new things about Greystone, enjoy some camp activities for the first time, and continue touring the property with their cabin group.

Clean-Up and Flag: We have our first cabin clean-up of the summer, and girls will complete their first job on the Job Wheel. If girls need a shower, this is when they will hop in and get clean. When the girls hear the bugle, they will race down to Flag, where we gather each morning and evening to raise and lower the Flag.

Dinner: Campers will meet new friends in the Dining Hall as we help them find their seats. As is tradition, girls enjoy a hearty spaghetti dinner with fresh bread, a vegetable side dish (like green beans), a full salad bar, and a delicious dessert.

Evening Program: We keep the fun going after dinner with our first Evening Program! Girls love seeing their counselors on stage and laughing with their cabin friends. It will be a fun night!

Crackers and Ready for Bed: At the end of Evening Program, girls can stop by to snag 2 vanilla wafers before heading back to their cabins to get ready for bed. Campers change into their pajamas, brush their teeth, and hop in their bunk for their first night of sleep.

Devotion and Bedtime: After hearing the Lights Out bugle, counselors will share a short devotion and prayer with the girls before going around to tuck-in each one. After that, campers will hear our Taps bugle which means “all quiet” and time for bed. After a full day, girls will be ready for a good night’s sleep.

Opening Day is truly so exciting. It is a full day but a FUN day! We work to keep the girls engaged throughout that first full day at camp so that they can settle in and get ready for the days to come.

Have any questions or want to know anything else about Opening Day? Comment below or contact us for more details! See you back next week for another New Camper Blog!