
I love seeing how quickly the girls have settled into camp. They are confident about the locations of classes, they run to their next class as soon as the bell rings, they have made several new friends, they are eating everything put out on the Salad Bar, and they put on great performances in the Cabin Lip Sync last night! Their enthusiasm is off the charts and such enthusiasm spreads like wildfire…we love this Junior Camp group and all agree it is the best camp session ever!

As today is Memorial Day, Jimboy briefly spoke at Flag this morning about the importance of this day. He reminded the girls about respect for those who have sacrificed their lives for our country and the importance of taking time to honor them. At Breakfast Club, Jimboy encouraged the girls to grow mentally by waking up, clapping your hands, and saying, “It’s going to be a great day, and I feel terrific!” Saying this daily makes it come true.

Tonight is our Challenge Night…a friendly evening of fun games to earn points for the Odds or Evens team. Every morning and evening the girls all pitch in to clean their cabins for Inspection. Today they can earn double points for their teams by having extra clean cabins at tonight’s Inspection. Of course one of their favorite parts about Challenge Night is dressing up in Green and Gold–our teams’ colors. The campers will glitter and sparkle, and we know you will enjoy seeing the pictures this evening. Dressing up is always fun at camp!

Time for the details:
Breakfast: Waffles, Sausage, Fruit Bar
Lunch: Cheesy Chicken
Dinner: Hamburgers and French Fries
Weather: Mostly Cloudy with a high of 70–perfect weather for running all over camp!

Check back tomorrow…we will have more to tell you about another great day at camp!