Junior Staff Just Wanna Have Fun!

As a staff member at Camp Greystone, you are going to develop an immense number of skills. We’ve explained why employers love hiring camp counselors and how “camp” skills are actually life skills. Two of our staff wrote a blog on how hard they worked, how close they became with new friends, pushing their limits, and other things no one told them about the job.

We also want you to know how much FUN this job can be! Our Junior Staff only works at camp for 10 days (Orientation plus the session), and they work hard, develop skills, create fun, and find joy everywhere in between. Here’s a list of some of the ways our staff step out of their comfort zones, act silly, and are full of belly laughs.

At Orientation

  • Dance Dance Karaoke–our staff perform in front of their friends, and they get to sing their song as well as perform a top notch dance number. We’ve had an acapella group harmonize hip hop songs and another group went full-Beyonce and performed the “Single Ladies” dance!
  • Junior Staff are the first to use Waterpark. This summer, we’ll be the first to go down the new big slide!
  • Every morning, we pour into our staff by organizing a run or walk around the River Trail and a morning devotion.
  • Making crafts for their campers is always a highlight. Name tags, door posters, job wheels…we love letting the artsy side of our staff flow. One of our favorite door posters said “Hydrate best in Cabin 10 West!”
  • We discover staff’s hidden talents during Counselor Talent Show practice. Don’t think you have any talents? Borrow a hilarious act from last year - staff singing Miley Cyrus’s “The Climb” while creating a pyramid of counselors.
  • Meetings are often held in small groups as a way to be intentional with that one group of peers

During the Session

  • Receiving slobbery puppy kisses from the Dog Camp dogs
  • Dressing up in costumes for no reason
  • Truly the biggest joy the counselors experience is Opening Day when they get to meet all of the campers! But also going down the slip ’n slide.
  • Coordinating a lip sync dance with their cabin of girls
  • Embarrassing themselves on stage during the Counselor Talent Show
  • Participating in a silly competition for Challenge Night
  • Dance parties with their campers before Lights Out
  • Bouncing on the inflatable rides, eating way too much food, and bringing home the glory of winning the dance competition at Carnival
  • Performing in the Banquet play on the last night of camp
  • Teaching an activity that you love to the campers
  • Loving our campers and gaining lifelong friends in just 10 short days!

“Do you want to have fun at Junior Camp this summer?”