Sunday Stumblers

I woke up early this morning, our last Sunday of the summer, to a subdued dawn (a thick fog making it impossible to see more than 20 feet in any direction). We were in the middle of a cloud, something that is normal this time of year. At times like that always think of what the girls would do in such moments. They love the novelty… sticking out their tongues to taste the cloud, waving their arms to see the droplets form as they dash to Stumblers.

I expected the heavy fog would provide the setting for our morning run… but the fog quickly lifted as the girls gathered for Stumblers (our running club) for the last time in 2022. Stumblers is a club my father started many years ago, based on the Todds Road Stumblers in Lexington Kentucky (established by his friend Alex Campbell, who always invited my father for a Sunday run). We run or walk around a newly improved 1.5-mile river trail. The experience was spectacular, as always. The first runners always see the most wildlife (grazing deer, roosting birds, nesting ducks, and perhaps the elusive otters or beavers returning to their den after a long night). The trail provides breathtaking views of the camp, river, wetlands, and surrounding mountains, and everyone talks nonstop as share the experience.

If that is not treat enough, after completing the run they are given this year’s Stumblers T-Shirt (the second t-shirt in so many days). They will cherish this shirt because it is one that was paid for with hard work. Many of the girls have not ever run this far; they are rightfully proud of the accomplishment!

Sundays are different at camp… as it has been since our first summer. At August camp, this translates into a slightly different schedule. We serve breakfast buffet style then give plenty of time for long hot showers and cabin clean-up before Sunday School and Church. At Sunday School, the girls will gather in the Dining Hall to write birthday cards for the Confetti Foundation to distribute to children in hospitals - sweet. Our minister is from Asheville (Duff James, minister of City Church) and has three daughters attending August Camp. He knows how to teach ten-year-olds, and he is really a wonderful preacher. If you get a chance, listen to the message when you get the time. After Rest Hour we will have classes and a picnic dinner.

Tonight is Sunday Night at the Movies, where we set up a giant inflatable screen in the Fort. We will pick a fun movie, something that will elicit cheers when announced, and serve treats to enjoy during the show.

This will be a very packed week so today we will recharge our batteries for the final push to the finish line. It is shaping up to be a remarkable summer. We have been greatly blessed and are so happy to be looking back on the past three months with no regrets. We prayed for the presence of The Lord once again lift our hearts at camp… that the girls would not only be safe, but also have fun, make friends, and learn skills… that the girls would experience the comfort and the presence of God Himself. He answered our prayers with abundant blessings (again). Today, we say thank you.

It’s A Great Day!