Spiritual Growth

We awoke to another wonderful day: perfect temperatures, kind of humid but very comfortable 70 degrees rising to a high of 82. Our weather pattern is very typical of the mountains of North Carolina in August. Warm mornings, afternoon showers, and cool evenings. The girls have adjusted very well and are prepared for whatever comes (packing their raincoats in their backpacks just in case). They know where everything is, what every bell means, and recognize people they see when walking around camp. We have settled in and are joyfully living without a care in the world!

Last night was a lot of fun, and the girls absolutely loved it. A camp-wide game of Clue where campers worked as cabin groups to find out who stole Jimboy’s treasure. The setup happened at lunch… Sarah announced that the health inspector had visited a cabin and told us we needed to clean up BIG TIME. We were going to spend the time after dinner doing a big cleaning of the cabins… then I interrupted to say that someone had stolen a treasure from my office. I said that there were suspects on the head staff (my wife and Laura included), and I was going to ask the campers to help me solve the mystery at EP tonight. The solution: MeMe hid the treasure (oreo cookies) as a joke gone bad. So much fun.

The girls love this kind of thing and REALLY get into it. A chance to walk around camp and eliminate suspects with their friends. There were many good detectives in the crowd, as you can imagine. The setting was wonderful as the sky turned golden in the early evening splendor of camp. We gathered to see who won, get the prize (oreo’s and milk for crackers), and walk back to our cabins chatting excitedly. Delightful in every way.

We are very happy with the way camp is working this summer. It reflects life in so many ways… hard but fun. God has blessed our camp in a way proportional to the need and the opportunity. It has been a FANTASTIC summer, and we are thankful.

Breakfast Club has moved to Spiritual Growth, and today I encouraged the girls to love Jesus. My example was my mother, who always mentioned the fact that from her earliest memories loved to think of herself sitting on Jesus’ lap. The Gospels tell of Jesus welcoming the children, and my mother wanted to be one of those girls! Her faith was simple… just love in the person of Jesus… and it stuck. She loved Jesus till the day she died! We encouraged the girls to love Jesus… for he loves us! Simple stuff… Nothing fancy, just including The Lord as a part of our Great Day.

The Joke was the “Coffin” story (made famous by my father about 50 years ago). Surprisingly, the August campers laughed more than any other session at the punchline (I had some help from some counselors who shouted some clarifying points as I was telling the joke… their suggestions were helpful in allowing the girls to know what Robotussin was… cough syrup… “and the coffin stopped”) Ask your girls about it on Friday, they will do a good job telling you the joke… don’t feel like you have to laugh!

  • Breakfast Bacon and Eggs
  • Lunch Chicken Sandwiches
  • Dinner Ravolli, baked chicken… and the Birthday Ball!
  • EP Birthday Ball and Camper Talent Show!

Thank you for checking in.