To The Girls

Today I “raise my glass” to our Campers. You are perhaps on the road with your parents. Things have settled down, and you are checking the Blog for the first time. Perhaps you are back home and sitting alone in your bedroom missing camp. Perhaps you are on an airplane destined for an exotic ending to your summer vacation. Whatever the circumstances, the motivation is the same. You want to read what I wrote about the summer and see the photos that made headlines. You should know that our thoughts are filled with memories of you, and we miss you dearly.

You were spectacular…

This summer was great because of you.

Our hearts are full and we want to say thank you…

  • For Embracing Camp We live in a cynical world that is skeptical of the simple message of camp. A world that might poke fun at our rules, standards, and traditions. High School is not like camp, yet you embraced our “Great Day” attitude from the minute you arrived and kept it till the day you left. When we ran out of water and you had to seek working toilets and sinks in other cabins, you cheered. When we served corned beef and hash a second time, you didn’t groan (that much). When we announced an EP that might not have been what you wanted, you jumped in without reservation despite your misgivings. It touches us deeply that you love camp so much.
  • For bringing your best. The various productions at the end of camp (Newsies in particular) showed remarkable talent and remarkable effort. We know you sacrificed a lot to memorize the lines, learn the songs and dances, and do the backstage work. The Art Show was jaw dropping. The Tennis Tournament was amazing. The synchronized swimming show was spectacular. Thank you for sharing!
  • For your smiles. Lucy did a little video that captures what I mean. You had the best smiles… keep smiling girls.
  • For your Parents We are profoundly grateful for their support. They entrust us with the responsibility for your care during the summer… know that we deeply appreciate their confidence. It is an honor and privilege to do this “work”. To say camp is here because of them is a fact.
  • For The Lord Our mission is to glorify God. In order for that to happen, God must be with us. He fills this place with His Spirit and uses all circumstances for good. It is impossible to express how grateful we are, we give the glory to Him.

Thank you for being you.