Time to DANCE!

We love to dance at camp. Chances are, the girls dance more here than anywhere else… it is just what we do. We dance at Assembly, in classes, in cabins, and in the dining hall. As I write this, we are in the middle of the day and classes are in full swing. Girls are playing tennis, pickleball, ultimate frisbee, and fishing right outside my window… and most of them are dancing!

This might be due to the Zumba class playing a favorite song loudly. Everyone knows the same Zumba moves and start the familiar moves whenever the opportunity arises… and they do it while enjoying the other class. Campers still do the tennis drill, but when awaiting their time to swing break into dance. Ultimate Frisbee takes a break, and the entire class moves as one.

Group Dancing sometimes happens during a meal in the dining hall (we sometimes surprise the girls with a song before/during/after a meal) and informal dance parties are always part of the daily cabin routines. Dancing is just fun, it binds a group together in a powerful way. The smiles of delight are huge, and it never seems to get old!

So last night’s band The Business, was a hit. The girls absolutely LOVED the classic Rhythm and Blues, Motown, and party music. We had a blast as we danced nonstop for an hour and fifteen minutes in our whites. Good Times.

We are looking forward to tonight’s Group Night, an EP where the girls separate into their six groups to do activities their Group Leaders have arranged for them. We will spread out around camp and enjoy hanging out with our friends in a smaller group setting.

The Details:

  • Breakfast Truck Drivers Special
  • Lunch Smoked Turkey Sandwiches
  • Dinner Spaghetti Casserole
  • Weather Sunny, warm 84 degrees, chance of rain
  • EP Group Night (each of the six groups doing their own thing).

Thank you for checking in.