Senior Celebration

Last night the Senior girls were celebrated in an “old school” way. Giant flower arrangements on the stage, twinkle lights everywhere, custom columns covered in ivy… the setup took all afternoon and it was beautiful. The Castle and Palace girls put on their nicest dresses and sometimes even fixed their hair in preparation for their formal presentation to camp. Then, they put on a massive talent show.

Some were silly, some funny, some beautiful, some astounding, all were wonderful. The acts represented the magnificent diversity of this amazing group of girls perfectly! Delightful in every way.

The Queen and her Court were announced at the end of the program (about 9:30 PM, the latest EP of the year!). The moon provided a nice soft light supplemented by the twinkle lights on the upper road as the girls walked back to their cabins. Such a great night!

Today we anticipate some morning thunderstorms. The girls actually cheered when they heard that announcement at breakfast, for we love a rain day! Who knows what will actually happen (our weather is notoriously difficult to predict) but if the forecast proves accurate we will have a fun change of pace.

We have entered the “big programs” phase of the session. From here on out we have big EP’s… each one anticipated by the campers and counselors with giddy delight. Tonight will be the Junior Production of “Shrek, The Musical”. I have been wearing Shrek gibbets on my crocs in anticipation of the show. The girls have been practicing, gathering props, painting backdrops, and rehearsing for weeks. They are giddy with excitement and the whole camp can’t wait to celebrate this upcoming triumph.

Theater is like life in some ways… you plan, practice, study, put your heart into a project in every way… the big day comes and then it is over and all that is left is that warm glow of a job well done. Junior Play tonight, Production Night tomorrow, Water Show Saturday, Senior Play Monday, Closing Vespers, Banquet, Home. Every camper knows the schedule at this point and recognizes how much each day means to them. They are using every minute.

Our brief talk on Spiritual Growth this morning was on prayer. Yesterday was the “macro” idea… decide if you are going to at least consider developing a spiritual component in your life. Since we are a Christian camp, we encourage a serious consideration of Christianity. Today, I suggested the first step is prayer. Prayer, you ask? I think it makes sense based on my experience at camp.

We want to get to know each other at camp. We smile and talk to people we want to meet. Why not do the same thing with God? “Acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths”… so just acknowledge God in normal, everyday life. When happy, thank Him. When sad, tell him. When enjoying a soft breeze on a perfect day, enjoy it with Him. As we “hang out” with God our spiritual growth will begin.

Wish I could go on and on… but busy place, camp.

Today is a “Pandamonium Day”, so we are mixing it up food wise:

  • Breakfast BLT

  • Apple Cart: Grapes

  • Lunch: Mac & Cheese, Beans, Sausage Links (sugar cereal for dessert)

  • Watermelon Table: Donuts

  • Dinner Hamburgers with tortillas instead of buns.

  • Weather Warmer (87), Thunder Showers in the morning