Not Bad

Our Third Sunday is going to feature sunny warm weather, relaxed cabin time, pretty dresses, spiritual insights, afternoon naps, and evening concerts. Not a bad way to spend a day in mid-July.

Stumblers had slightly sparser attendance, as expected. To get the coveted shirt, one must run three times… traditionally, most girls run the first and second times and only the most enthusiastic run all four. Thus, this is the “use it or lose it” Sunday.

The extra minutes in bed are appreciated at this point in camp. We delight in the full days, but they do add up. The average camper walks over 5 miles a day just going to classes and programs. We are constantly socializing, playing, dancing, and singing. Don’t think that fun isn’t tiring! A day of rest is most appreciated.

Our Do Nothing Day last week is still getting rave reviews (many campers would like us to do it multiple times during Main Camp). The fun of doing nothing would be diminished if it was routine… but it is sure appreciated when it is a surprise extra!

The photos of last night’s program tell a story of delightful excess. Every facet of the program was done exceptionally well. The games, relays, face painting, black light glo-photos, pop rocks, King of Pops treat, dance team competition (Rock won), and camp-wide competition (Disco won) was capped off by surprise fireworks as the winning team was announced at 9:15. All of Tuxedo celebrated with us as the day closed with a bang.

Tonight will be our last concert on the lawn (next week will be our final Council Fire). The weather looks great for a fun dance party in white by the lake.

Enjoy your day, thanks for checking in.