
August Camp is coming!

Your trunk is packed…

You’ve been thinking about camp for a whole year (watching the videos, browsing the website, opening every piece of mail like it was a much-anticipated present)…

You are ready for camp… It’s FINALLY time!

You are going to love it. Greystone is just as good as you imagined; in fact, it is better! You can’t imagine all of the great things we have prepared for you to enjoy this year! You might already know about the ropes course, waterpark, pool, farm barn, puppies, paddleball, tetherball, jimball, tennis, dance, gymnastics, crafts, knitting, printmaking, metal jewelry, glass beads, glass fusion, drama, music, canoeing, sailing, kayaking, and fishing classes… but that is not all! We have little surprises built into many areas of camp it is hard to explain them all (and we don’t want to because it is more fun to have at least a few surprises in camp).

We absolutely love August Camp because it gives us one last chance to do what we love.

  • For some of us (me, for instance), camp is the thing we do every summer… it is part of our life and we love it with all our heart. We are happiest when you are here, it will be sad to see another summer end so we will enjoy each and every day like it is the best day ever!
  • For some of us (most of the counselors), these next two weeks will provide an exclamation point on a chapter of our lives; a summer job that MAY never be repeated (it is hard for counselors to come to camp more than a couple of years). We want to make sure each day is memorable!
  • For all of the staff, August Camp is a delightful finish line. We look forward to it all summer long because it is so different from the other sessions.

August Camp is distinct in ways that make it exceptionally fun.

  • It comes on the heels of the summer. Girls have anticipated camp for an entire summer break and their excitement for opening day is at a fever pitch.
  • The campers are young and ready for “real” camp. Many have done other camp or school experiences that went on for days or even weeks… but not for this much time. They anticipate the extra days with giddy excitement.
  • The campers bring a delightful element of whimsy and humor to camp. Older campers are amazing but young campers are fun. They enjoy camp in a way that is distinct from older sessions… connecting us with camp in a wonderful way. It is nice that we get to end the summer with this simplicity and light-hearted joy.

Please be careful as you travel to camp this weekend. I know that your girls will dream happy dreams about falling to sleep in a cozy bunk surrounded by friends… to a symphony of frogs and cicadas singing in the distance. They will soon be flying through the air on a zip line and being launched from the blob. They will soon take their place with their friends on the stage to perform before an adoring crowd. They will run when the bell rings and when the bugle blows. They will feast on freshly baked bread, watermelon slices, apples, ice hut snacks, home cooked meals, and candy shop. Soon they will be living the dream!

Sweet dreams Greystone Girls; we will see you on Monday!