
Today is a nice “chill” day… overcast, warm temperatures, steady breeze, and the promise of afternoon thunderstorms. The kind of day that reminds me of summer’s past. Greystone girls know what camp feels like at this point in the summer (that point where we feel like we have the entire camp session ahead of us and there is no clock ticking) and those memories are sweet. Not to say everything is “sunshine and happiness” (childhood is not easy and our emotions are often all over the place), but camp memories turn sweet in time as we look back with the perspective of age.

Breakfast reflected this calming atmosphere of camp with a corresponding meal, no raucous shouting at the tables but civilized conversation with the person at your elbow. At the head table, each of us was engaged in deep conversations, so much so that the Dining Hall was cleared before we even thought of playing any songs (never happened before in my memory!). We went straight into the Breakfast Club song and talk for the day… a talk on goal setting and the joke (three little jokes today).

We are focused on Mental Growth this week and my spin on goal setting was influenced by my work in the office. This is the time of year we dream of improvements for 2023. It is an illustration of the old adage: “If you Fail to plan, you plan to fail”. There are new program facilities to consider, repairs to prioritize, permits to get, and dozens of possible directions to go with every decision. We engage the girls in our brainstorming efforts, encouraging them to let us know what they think could improve the camp experience. I expect to get a flood of suggestions later today!

It is also time for campers to make goals for their remaining weeks at camp. What levels do they want to pass, what projects to complete, what skills to master, what conversations to enjoy, and what memories do they want to make. Carpe Diem, Girls!

When you pick up your girls in three weeks’ time you will be struck by how much they have grown. Part of this is due to the fact that children get bigger so quickly (we all know how quickly they grow in a month’s time). Part of this is due to the many experiences that have been squeezed into a short month (they will have a lot to tell you: classes, memorable EP’s, quiet moments enjoyed with friends… the combined effect is noticeable).

And part of this is due to the confidence and poise that a camp experience often provides… they will appreciate the growth in themselves, a remarkable thing for a girl to see in herself (looking back at her pre-camp self with astonishment) and this perspective improves the way they relate to family and friends… they will shine in every setting and you will marvel.

Thanks for checking in. Thanks for caring enough to read… know that I am not offended if you skim (I am prone to ramble on… just skipping to the facts is not a bad strategy when dealing with this kind of thing!). We are entering the middle part of the camp experience where days are very similar to each other but the granular details varied in amazing ways. Describing camp is an endlessly interesting challenge for me. Know that the blog doesn’t even scratch the surface of the truth of this place!

  • Breakfast Frittata and Sausage
  • Joke ”Jesus walks into a bar and orders a cup of water.”
  • Another Joke ”Two penguins on an ice flow. One asks the other: Have you seen my brother” I don’t know, what does he look like?”
  • Last Joke “A little boy is crying alone in the park, looks up at me and says “I don’t know where my mom is at”. My wife tells me to talk to the boy, so I get on my knee, look him in the eye, and say: “You shouldn’t end a sentence with a preposition.”
  • Lunch Lettuce Wraps, Soba Noodles, Teriyaki Chicken, Cheese Cake
  • Dinner Chicken Sandwiches, Sweet Potato Fries
  • EP Movie Night
  • Weather Partly cloudy, 88 degrees, afternoon showers