Wild & Crazy

Our first few days of camp are marked by predictable fun… the bell rings and we go to another fun class, we enjoy predictable fun times in the dining hall (singing is our favorite thing), in our cabins (dance parties), at assemblies and EP’s (Lip Synchs were awesome)… but this fun is “restrained”. We know that campers thrive with a predictable routine… basking in that feeling that arises when expectations are met in an extraordinary way.

Yesterday we added a little spice! Protect Your Counselor is one of those legendary EP’s that mark a moment that is often remembered for years. It is memorable for many reasons:

  • It is nothing like home! Who allows such a mess? NOBODY!
  • It celebrates teamwork. Cabins bond in a visceral way as they problem-solve each challenge.
  • It ends with a dramatic moment of color and an epic dance party.

Dinner was a madhouse… the volume level was shockingly delightful. The louder we cheered, the more we cheered. I am sure the entire Green River Valley was able to hear us at dinner. The joy was on every face, camper and counselor alike were amazed at the transformation. The program was fun, we got very dirty with super bright colored powder (the powder is corn starch made specifically for this type of event). Most of the group have not done this kind of thing before… so it stands out! Counselors loved it as much as campers and as we washed up afterward (giving extra time for showers) we felt that warm afterglow of an amazing party. The girls are still talking about it and can’t wait to see the pictures when they go home.

Against the backdrop of CRAZY FUN, today we finished our breakfast club theme on Social Growth with the idea of sincerity. At camp, we encourage the girls to develop well-rounded friendships. There is a BIG role for laughing, joking around, dancing, and cutting up (this is how many friendships start); but we all know that a good friendship celebrates more than just silly fun. We like to occasionally get serious. At camp, we do this with a DMC (Deep Meaningful Conversation).

In two weeks you will have joyous reunions that are filled with laughter. The girls will want to share the funny stories, the inside jokes, the moments of delight and wonder… and they might want to talk seriously as well. One of the best parts of camp is the occasional DMC (Deep Meaningful Coversation) with a good friend. Girls of all ages love them (older girls more, but all ages like them). Never hesitate to take time to talk in a more serious way… it doesn’t have to be long (Shop Dates are only 10-20 minutes) but it does have to be sincere.

Sincerity is all about being genuine. When we joke around our priority is to get a laugh not to share our heart. Dads can (and should) do this as much as moms (but moms are better at it). I encourage both Moms and Dads to develop this side of their relationship to their children… it has a big impact.

Tonight’s EP is the polar opposite of what we have done to this point in the summer. Opening Vespers appears to be boring (sit in absolute silence, listen to the “linsey-woolsey” story, recite a verse with your cabin, watch the light of each person’s candle spread through the entire camp, and marvel in the beauty of the moment. It in a solid hour of absolute silence… and the girls love it.

Opening Vespers is one of our favorite EPs because it allows our minds to focus on “important things” that might not be noticed if we don’t make the effort. This program has not changed much in 103 years and the campers are glad for the connection. Telling the old story is always a poignant moment for me personally because it directly connects with my mother and grandmother. It is a wonderful thing to have a connected relationship with generations who have passed.

The rundown:

  • Sunshine rules for the next few days… beautiful blue sky days.
  • Perfect temperature… high in the low 80’s, low humidity… NICE
  • Breakfast… Truck Drivers Special (biscuits and gravy). Don’t make a face, it is really good!
  • Lunch… Shaved pork sandwiches
  • Dinner… Chicken Broccoli and Rice Casserole
  • EP… Opening Vespers