Welcome Back!

Welcome to Main Camp! The blog is our way of communicating with you every day of the summer. I make it a priority in my day, posting before noon if possible (typically around 11:30) so that you can use the information with your emails (that are delivered at lunch). I write it from the heart and always include bullet point details (menu, weather, EP) at the bottom just in case you are in a hurry. I have been in camping my entire life and I come from a camping family… sometimes the perspective helps.

From time to time you might have suggestions or concerns. Let me know! Main Camp opinions matter. Most of you have been connected to Greystone for a very long time (some for five generations). We know that all of you value camp and support us for a long time. You represent the “heart” of our community and we seek your input. Most of this feedback will come from the survey we send out at the end of the session but some will come concurrently with the session. So as we begin this journey together I want you to know that we welcome your thoughts. Email me directly and I will get back to you.

So about Opening Day. The new system was designed to be REALLY good and we think it works better than the old in almost every way. While we miss hanging out on the softball field and the excitement of the dash up the hill, we DON’T miss the old move-in process and frankly, the campers love it.

The girls adjust to camp better on their own. While not as good as you at making a bed, they do enjoy setting up their bunk, unpacking their stuff, decorating their space, and putting their shoes on the rack. All that activity gives them something to do while they get to know each other. And they are busy doing all that work, their counselors are 100% focused on them (as opposed to splitting their attention with the parents). Cabins are much less crazy without all those extra people (remember how awful it was to make that top bunk in the crowded cabin?). It just works MUCH better in every way.

While the fast check-in can be a better experience for the parents, we acknowledge it’s not as good for you in some ways. You don’t meet the counselors, see her cabin, chat with old friends, make new friends, visit with the Millers, and see the camp improvements. Like I said… not perfect, but it is a hit with the girls!

Make sure you check out the Main Camp Bubble, our attempt to mitigate the lost visiting time on opening day. You will see a video of your counselors, contact information for your Group Leader, the other girls in her cabin, and other things throughout the summer.

We are committed to making this our BEST SUMMER EVER!

The rundown of today:

  • An endless supply of Hot Scones (the girls love them too).
  • A tour of camp with the cabin (nothing better than talking while walking).
  • Check-in with the nurses.
  • Cabin Photos taken by the lake.
  • Swim test at the pool.
  • Sign up for classes.
  • Buffet picnic lunch and “get to know each other” Rest Hour.
  • Our first assembly.
  • Free Activities around camp.
  • First Flag, Spaghetti dinner, Program Skits EP (Program Presentation Skits), Crackers, Call to Quarters, Taps.

This comfortable routine puts everyone at ease and sets us up to hit the ground running tomorrow.

We have worked very hard to meet the high expectations for this summer. While we feel the weight of that task we are confident in the outcome. The Lord has always made the way straight and the journey delightful.

Thank you for checking in. This is going to be awesome!