
We spend a lot of time preparing for every summer but despite our efforts, even after a hundred years, there are always surprises.

This year we had to deal with the continuing challenge resulting from COVID restrictions (we thought we would be past it by now!). Covid impacts many facets of camp life (program, food, EPs, and special events).

Campers surprise us too! Many of the campers this year have not been to camp since 2019 and they surprised us with their enthusiasm for some program areas that were not as popular in years past. These surprises make camp fun (can you imagine how bored we would be if we knew exactly what was going to happen every summer)! Campers, Counselors, and Director’s delight in adapting to the challenges.

Thank you for your support and understanding when there are changes (like dropping the second-day option for Thunderhead riding). We are already making plans for next year’s improvements!

Camp is a transformative experience that builds resilience, confidence, social skills, physical capabilities, and spiritual insight. It is comprehensive in its effect on the life of a young girl, but that’s not all. Camp is fun!

Last night was all about the fun and the girls absolutely loved it. It was a perfect setting (hot, dry, and lots of places to cool off) and the girls were SUPER EXCITED! We spread out the mayhem over a large area (the softball, golf, and soccer fields were completely given over to rides and food tents). The effect of this layout is to almost eliminate the lines, and reduce the chaos which came from franticly dashing from thing to thing. Good fun.

Today is another perfect day. A slight chance of rain, turned into an actual rainstorm around lunchtime. We dashed back to our cabins and enjoyed snuggling under our blankets and drifting off to sleep to the sounds of rain on a tin roof. We are supposed to get a break from the heat wave this weekend (temperatures dropping 10 degrees on Saturday and Sunday) then we go into our final week. The girls do not yet realize that Banquet Day is just one week from today. None of us do. Time flies at camp, this thing is certain.

Breakfast Club has moved to Physical Growth and today I encouraged the girls to notice the impact food has on the way we feel. Carnival provided a great illustration… I ate about 10 deep fried mac & cheese balls and felt pretty rough afterward. The sluggishness lingers because my body is not meant to operate on junk! Much of what we eat is junk… eat well!

Breakfast scrambled eggs, sausage
Lunch Hamburgers
Dinner Mac and Cheese, sliced ham, and squash/zucchini from Farm & Garden! So far our garden has yielded about 100 gallons of lettuce and veggies. Yesterday we had the first small harvest of blackberries (soon we will have enough fruit to feed the entire camp every day!).
EP is a “Family Feud Gameshow”… should be fun.

Thank you for checking in.