Sleep Late

We slept late this morning… 8:30 instead of 7:30. We set out a lavish breakfast buffet that was open for a very long time (girls came through several times!) and changed the sheets on our beds. Everyone loved the change in routine!

At camp routines are the backbone of our life. Changes to those routines are the spice that make the days pop! Clothing is always a popular theme… on Sundays we wear whites, Taco Cat Tuesdays, Wildlife Wednesdays, UNC Thursdays, and so on. We like theme meals (like the Family Feud dinner last night) and class/cabin-specific themes (canoeing pirates, archery ninjas, etc.). These fun moments arise from the ranks (campers or counselors) and the theme thrives or peeters out. Simple Camp Fun!

We occasionally throw in schedule changes like “Sleep Late Friday” because they make camp better. Simply by sleeping 1 hour later (one day at June Camp, every Friday at Main) we make a day special. It is just a little change but it has a big impact! The girls (and counselors) appreciate the extra sleep.

Last night’s program was a hit. I really didn’t know if the girls would know what Family Feud is, but know it or not… THEY LOVED IT. Half of the camp dressed up as “Lauras” half as “Jimboys”; arriving at dinner in costume and trying their best to win the best cabin award (C9W, and the odds dressed as Laura). The stage was decorated and representatives from both teams competed in three rounds… ultimately Laura and I competed head to head in a final round that Laura won easily (“name something that comes in pairs”… Laura chose “shoes” I chose “ducks”… and it went downhill from there). Amazingly, the Jimboys won by a hair and enjoyed the sweet taste of victory with a fresh Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut.

It was a perfect EP for camp. Laid back, funny, and whimsical. The girls are still talking about it!

Perfect weather, wonderful campers, amazing counselors, delicious food, awesome activities… these are the facets of our world. We love enjoying it all with your girls. This week I got dozens of thank you letters from campers of all ages. Mostly quick hearts drawn in crayon with a crayon “THANK YOU” written underneath. At camp, we write thank you notes to many people. It makes for a very sweet community. We sense that time is slipping through our fingers and we need to make the most of every day. For many girls, this means taking time to say thank you… time to have a long talk… time to write a little thank-you note. You can do a lot in a week or you can fritter it away. It is an enigma… long AND short at the same time. Just a matter of perspective.

We are looking forward to celebrating the Birthday Girls tonight. We get dressed up for dinner, get photos with the guests of honor by the lake, have a party in the dining hall (complete with decorations and gifts for the birthday girls), then enjoy a nice talent show put on by the campers. The camper talent show is always amazing… a delightful mix of performance arts. The setting promises to be perfect (temperatures are moderating today, by tonight it will be ideal as we sit by the lake soaking up the moment).

  • Breakfast Fresh Cinamon Rolls, Bacon, fruit, yogurt
  • Lunch Spiced Chicken Tacos
  • Dinner Beef Tips, Veggies, mashed potatoes… BIRTHDAY BALL
  • EP Talent show (the birthday girls are the guests of honor).

Thank you so very much for sharing your girls and keeping up with camp life.


Enjoy your weekend!