June Camp Is About To BLAST OFF

Hi June Camp!

If you are reading this you are probably either:

  1. Excited about coming to camp on Monday! You might be a camper, you might be a parent, you might be a sibling of a camper and are just excited that she is going to be at camp. If this is you… know that we are JUST AS EXCITED as you!!!
  2. Nervous about coming to camp on Monday. If this is you, know that we completely understand. It is often hard to start an adventure or meet new friends. DON’T WORRY! It is going to be SO MUCH FUN! Just like riding a bike, setting into camp is easy-peasy.
  3. A Very organized person and want to make sure there are no late breaking details for Opening Day. For you, don’t worry! Our new system is fast and easy. Just follow our Opening Day instructions (including taking a COVID test and submitting your Pre-Arrival Screening Form!) and we will take care of the rest.
  4. A fanatic who reads ALL GREYSTONE BLOGS… THANK YOU! You are the wind in my sails.

So let’s get going!

We have already accomplished a lot.

  • Just finished the best Junior Camp! Bodes well for the summer to come!
  • Just finished the best Orientation EVER! Do you want to know why that is a big deal? These wonderful women made the choice to spend their summer working very hard for very little money just because they want to be counselors. They are a remarkable group and have bonded into a tight knit group who radiate positive energy. They are amazing!

We are ready to do a lot more!

  • Junior Camp is fun, but June Camp is MORE FUN. One week just is not long enough! Three weeks is going to feel like walking into a much anticipated banquet feast… our eyes are big and we are smiling ear to ear.
  • Food… returning to the Dining Hall is a delight! The energy in this historical building is through the roof; eating with your cabinmates in this familiar setting makes every meal a family reunion! Greystone bread and honey have never been better!

So drive safely. If you have any questions, just ask. We can’t wait to see you on Monday!