Welcome to Junior Camp!

We have been preparing for this day for so long, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome our first campers of 2022 to Greystone! Thank you for making today a reality and for sharing your girls with us. We are honored to have all 354 of them here - it is going to be a GREAT week!

I will be writing this Blog daily to help fill you in on what your daughters are experiencing this week at Greystone. The Blog will be posted every day mid-morning so that you can include these details in an email to the girls if you like. Knowing what meals we’re having, what the night’s Evening Program will be, the weather, and other camp details makes your communications (both emails and handwritten letters) even better!

I’ll also be sharing a little bit about the heart behind camp and why your daughter’s experience here will be more than just fun. She’ll get to play outside, try new activities, and make lots of friends, but she’ll also grow in confidence and independence. On Closing Day, we hope you’ll say “my, how you’ve grown!”

We also take lots of pictures every day, so make sure to check those out! We will post pictures in your camp account twice a day: at lunch (about 1:00pm) and after Evening Program (about 9:00pm). Scrolling through the pictures will give you a great look at our day, but you can also sign up for Waldo photos (an extra, optional service) to have photos of your camper texted directly to your phone. You can find information about Waldo in the Opening Day folder you received as you left or you can call our office and we’d be happy to help!

The campers are currently in their cabins after eating a delicious picnic lunch (smoked turkey, ham, sandwich toppings, home-baked bread, pasta salad, fruit salad, and brownies). It is a beautiful, sunny day! It’s been a wonderful Opening Day so far, and you can hear giggles and cabins getting to know each other all over camp!

This afternoon we will have a short assembly to welcome everyone to camp and introduce the people who are here to help with ANY needs that the girls might have. After the assembly, the girls will take cabin photos (we’ll upload those later tonight!), do a swim test at the pool, and enjoy activities around camp with their cabin. Our counselors are ready to play lots of games to help the girls get to know each other and feel comfortable here quickly!

Tonight will also be our first official meal in the Dining Hall. We’ll enjoy Opening Night Spaghetti, Salad Bar, Fresh Baked Bread and welcome all of our new campers as “old Greystone girls” after their first meal at camp - a camp tradition!

We’ll then enjoy our first EP (Counselor Talent Show), our first crackers (a small snack of Nilla wafers campers can grab before bed), first cabin devotions and tuck-ins, first Taps, and first night of sleep in a cabin. We know the girls are going to wake up tomorrow so excited for their first full day of classes and fun! We are so grateful to have you as a part of our Greystone family. We Love Your Girls and cannot wait for this week with them!