Memorial Day

The girls are adjusting to camp very quickly, and it’s a good thing because Junior Camp is a very quick session. Blink and it is over, so we encourage the girls to soak up every minute. They take this advice literally by running to their next class as soon as the bell rings, even if they’re just going 100 feet! Their enthusiasm is off the charts and such enthusiasm spreads like wildfire…we love this Junior Camp group and all agree it is the best camp session ever!

As today is Memorial Day, Jimboy briefly spoke at Flag this morning about the importance of this day. He reminded the girls about respect for those who have sacrificed their lives for our country and the importance of taking time to honor them. At Breakfast Club, Jimboy encouraged the girls to grow mentally through learning–having a curiosity about life and paying attention to the people and places around you.

Tonight is our Challenge Night…a friendly evening of fun games to earn points for the Odds or Evens team. Every morning and evening the girls all pitch in to clean their cabins for Inspection. Today they can earn double points for their teams by having extra clean cabins and having a perfect “Rest Hour” after lunch! Of course one of their favorite parts about Challenge Night is dressing up in Green and Gold–our teams’ colors. The campers will glitter and sparkle, and we know you will enjoy seeing the pictures this evening. Dressing up is always fun at camp!

Time for the details:
Breakfast: Waffles, Bacon, Fruit Bar, Oatmeal, and Cereal
Lunch: Cheesy Chicken, which is a camp favorite!
Dinner: Tacos in a Bag
Weather: We have another beautiful day in the mountains! Sunny with a high of 78 predicted. It is perfect camp weather!

Our Head Staff all agree that this has been one of the best groups we have ever had. The excitement and enthusiasm in the Dining Hall is evident as we sing our camp songs at each meal. We feel like these girls are long-time campers, even though they have only been here for three days!

Check back tomorrow…we will have more to tell you about another great day at camp!