Introducing Our Summer 2022 Theme Verse

You may or may not know that we pick a theme Bible verse for each summer at Greystone, but it is one of our favorite things we do as a Head Staff team each spring! We know that all Scripture is blessed by God, and our counselors and ministers will incorporate all parts of it in their devotions and teaching this year, but this theme verse will be our focus for much of the summer.

Our ministers will shape their Morning Assembly talks and Sunday sermons around it. Counselors will talk about it in some of their evening devotions. Some campers will memorize it in Bible class. If you’re at camp this year, you will see this verse around a lot, so we take choosing our theme very seriously! Are you ready to hear our summer 2022 theme verse?

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

So why we did we choose this verse for this year at Greystone?

We bet you can probably guess why we wanted to focus on hope this year - doesn’t it feel like that’s what we all need after the last two years? For so many of us, the pandemic has been a time where lots of things we hope in have been stripped away: time in person with friends, milestones and accomplishments, our routines, self-reliance, and maybe even our health. In the wake of all of that loss and disorientation, we need help remembering where our hope lies, and even more important, who we can hope in.

All of our other hopes will fail us, but like Isaiah 40 says, Jesus never will. He is our comforter, a man of sorrows, our promise-keeper, and our steady port in every storm. Because of the Lord, we know that our past and present are being used for our good, and one day in the future it will all be redeemed and made right. That is hope, friends, a hope so much better than anything we find in this world!

We pray that Greystone this summer will be a place of hope. Where we can take heart together and remember where our hope lies, and how sure that promise is. We look forward to meditating on Isaiah 40:31 all summer long, and we invite you to join us in considering this passage alongside of us. Summer 2022 is going to be all about hope, and we can’t wait!