Final To-Dos - New Camper Blog Series

It is hard to believe, but today is our final day in our New Camper Blog series. We are that close to camp! The excitement is surely building over here in Tuxedo, so we know it must be building in your homes as well. We loved seeing so many of your faces on our New Camper Zoom last week, and we can’t wait to see you in person this summer!

As you are preparing for the summer and gearing up for camp, we are going to leave you today with some final things to make sure you are truly ready for the BEST SUMMER EVER!

  • Print Off that Packing List. Based on the number of questions in our Parent Facebook page right now, we’re guessing many of you have already done this, but if not, now is the time! Don’t wait until the last minute to see what you may need to find. Here is the Junior/August packing list and the June/Main packing list. And don’t forget to find a few things to bring for Rest Hour!

  • Find a COVID test. You’ll take a test right before you arrive on Opening Day, so go ahead and figure out where and how you want to be tested. We recommend a rapid antigen test, and you may use any at-home test or go to a testing site if you prefer.

  • Book a place to stay. If you are coming from far away, go ahead and make a hotel reservation. We’ve got a great list on our website!

  • Register for our Remind texts. If you haven’t received a Remind text already, make sure that you text your session code to 81010 to register. You can find your session codes on our Email Updates page.

  • Sign up for Waldo. We will send you an email about 2 weeks before the start of your session with this information about our photo facial recognition add-on (so Junior and June Camps received their information yesterday). If you want your child’s photos sent to you automatically in the summer, make sure you don’t miss registering!

  • Prepare for Opening Day. Make sure to watch our video from last year that explains how the process works. It’s a good place to start, even though some of the procedures have changed (i.e. no more masks or Health Log). Make sure to check your arrival time, and then read up on what it will be like when girls arrive at their cabins and how the rest of Opening Day will work. Get excited; it is so much fun!

  • Prepare for Goodbye. The drop off process is very quick; we’ll have you in and out in about 3 minutes! We’d recommend reading up on how to Prepare for Goodbye before you even arrive. Give your big hug before you hop in the car on Opening Day morning. If you prolong the drop off process, it is only going to make it harder on your daughter!

  • Get Excited! Camp is SO MUCH FUN, and we are going to have a wonderful summer. Watch some videos, look at pictures throughout website and on our Instagram, and talk about all of the fun your daughter will have.

We can’t wait! If you have any questions between now and your Opening Day, we are just a phone call away. We can’t wait to see you in a few short weeks!!