Tell Us Your 2022 Summer Song Requests and Win Our Latest Contest!

We say it every year, and every summer it gets more true: music is a BIG deal at camp! From Reveille to Taps, you can almost always hear some kind of tune playing in the background and find at least a few campers and counselors dancing along to it.

Camp is a community FULL of singing and dancing, so picking the perfect music matters to us. That’s where you come in!

We’re inviting YOU to help us put together our playlists for this summer. Tell us your song requests, and you’ll be entered to win a chance to pick any song to play for Reveille one day! Yep, the whole camp could wake up dancing because of you.

So what are you waiting for? Brainstorm with your friends and then tell us about all the songs you want to hear at camp this summer. (Start thinking about the song you’d want to hear for Reveille too!) These requests will be coming to a dance party playlist near you very soon!