Fall Book Club: Check-In #3

It is hard to believe that we are wrapping up our Fall (turned winter) Book Club. It’s been so much fun reading Ellie Holcomb’s Fighting Words together, and we have finally reached the end! All of us at camp have enjoyed a powerful 100 days of reading truth and allowing Ellie’s words to really soak into our lives. How many of you made it to the end with us? Even if you didn’t, keep reading! It’s a wonderful devotion book and some of her final devotions are the best!

Looking back over the last 3 months, there are so many devotions that stand out, especially in how they relate to camp. Here are a few of our favorites:

Letting Your Yes Be Yes:

I know that so many of you are overstretched and so very busy. Many of our campers and staff show up at camp each summer and are barely hanging in there. We know how it is! For many, camp provides a great sense of relief from the pressures of the world, and we know many of you finally take a deep breath for the first time in a very long time once you arrive in good ‘ole Tuxedo.

On day 58, Ellie talks specifically about how we often get so busy and distracted that our “yes is not a yes.” How many of you can relate? We often say yes to others because we don’t want to let them down. But as Ellie points out, by saying yes and then not following through on what you said, you are actually letting someone down. Ellie asks the question, “would you say you’re a person who keeps your word? How does managing your time well and drawing good boundaries relate to keeping your word?”

At camp, keeping your word is easier. Life is just simpler! But at home, this can be hard. At camp, we talk about kindness all the time, and one way to be kind is for your words to be true. One way to keep your words true is by doing what you say you will do. Keeping your word is a great way to show kindness to others!

In what ways do you need to follow through on what you’ve said this week?

Being Thirsty

Whenever I think about being thirsty, I always think about camp. Not because I truly am thirsty, but because we talk about drinking water all the time so that we won’t be thirsty. We are so active at camp, and the ice huts (with that good pellet ice) are so convenient, we are often working on quenching our thirst at camp, making sure we are well hydrated. We’ve got to keep up the water part of our “Wash, Water, Screen” trifecta.

On day 78, Ellie asks if we have ever been really thirsty. She reminds us that God gives us a deep desire for things, knowing that we’ll be thirsty for more in life. But, this thirst should drive us to Jesus. We often put other things as more important than our relationship with God. Ellie encourages us, “let’s ask Him to help us re-order our loves today. Let’s remember He offers us Himself to fill us up so that our wells will never run dry.”

In what ways are we thirsty? How can we be more thirsty for what the Lord provides?

Ordering our Steps:

I love day 96 because Ellie talks about the animated movie “Up” – how many of you have seen it? We love a good animated movie at camp (who is picturing Movie Night right now?!). It’s hard to get over those early scenes in “Up” when Carl loses his wife, but as the movie goes along, it is a really funny (and sweet) movie. In her devotion on day 96, Ellie reminds us of the part in “Up” where the dogs are constantly distracted and yelling, “squirrel!” Do you remember that funny scene?

Ellie then relates that to our lives and how we are constantly distracted. She asks us, “why do you think we sometimes forget to invite God to guide our steps and our schedules?” She then follows that by saying, “it reminds me that I can ask God to guide my steps and my moments, and I’ve found that when I do that, there is a letting go, a rest, a calmness that comes over me.”

We are often so distracted and busy, figuratively yelling “squirrel!” so often as we are chasing down something new and exciting (or following something distracting). How can we ask God to keep us focused on Him, ordering our steps and schedules in a way that puts him at the center?

Well, that’s a wrap on our Fall Book Club. Thanks for joining us! If you have a favorite part from Ellie’s book that you’d like to share, post it below or shoot us an email. Have an idea of what we should read next? Let us know that as well. We are looking forward to reading together again soon!