Then and Now: Photos Through the Years

Today we are taking a walk down memory lane, as we look at some of our “oldie but goodie” pictures from the past, and see how camp has changed (or stayed the same!) over the years. Let’s go!

Lip Sync

Many alums will remember using camp sheets as props for Lip Syncs (how many of you remember using them as togas?!). Now, the oldest girls in camp have a theme for their age group, all doing a song from that theme (Britney Spears, boy band, etc.).

Mountain Biking

While mountain biking feels “new” at camp right now, we have had biking programs in the past. Check out these girls up by the old apple trees (without helmets - gasp!).

Pageant Court in your Whites

Not much has changed here. Girls still wear whites on Sundays, and you can often find friends walking across the Pageant Court together throughout the day. The biggest change? We’re missing quite a few bushes and hydrangeas now!

Badminton and Pickleball

Girls love getting together for a friendly competition, and years ago, many girls could be found playing Badminton (these courts are located where the Dance Tent is now). These days? It’s Pickleball!

Men Staff

I think it’s pretty obvious that the styles have changed over the years, but besides that, much has stayed the same. Our Men Staff today is still a tightly cohesive group that knows how to work hard while also having a LOT of fun.

Cheering for your Team

The Odds and Evens go back to the earliest days of camp, and from the beginning, girls have known how to cheer their teammates on to victory. In the olden days, teams had cheerleaders that led their fellow teammates in cheers. Now, our senior campers serve as our cheerleaders.

Fourth of July Celebration

What fun it is to celebrate the Fourth of July at camp! How many alums remember eating a marshmallow off a string as you raced your friend to see who could reach it first? Those were the original Carnival games! Even over time, the Carnival celebration has continued to be a much anticipated Evening Program.


We have always had the very best nurses at camp, and even though our current nurses don’t wear these great nurse outfits anymore (is it time to bring these back?!), they stil provide the same love and care that they have provided for over 100 years!


There are a special group of campers from the 1990s who remember (or wish they didn’t remember?) the Llama Treks. It was an exerpience! This past summer, at our newly updated Corn Roast, we had a group of alpacas visit for the night. Maybe it’s time to go camping with the llamas again?

Corn Roast

Speaking of Corn Roast, the corn is a staple both then and now! I mean, did you even attend Corn Roast if you didn’t have your picture taken with your corn?!


Waterpark has continued to expand and grow over the years, but I know that many alums will remember the water bikes from our early days of Waterpark. These things were hard to maneuver around the lake, but they sure were fun!

Cabin Life

Cabin interiors have surely updated over the years, but the feel of cabin life hasn’t changed at all. Girls still love living in cabins with their friends, often playing games on their bunks or trying to keep quiet during Rest Hour.

Laura Playing Tennis

Last, but not least, our Director Laura still has great tennis skills! She knew how to play tennis then, and she is still leading the camper team in Around the World on the tennis courts these days. Go Laura go!