5 Creative Ways to Get Your Camp Photos Off Your Phone and into Your Real Life

Any Greystone parent could tell you that we take a LOT of pictures during the summer, and for good reason! So much happens in a day at camp; we’ll never be able to capture every bit of the magic, but we sure do try.

But that leads to the perennial question: what’s the best way to use those great camp photos after Closing Day is done? If you’re anything like us, your favorite pics tend to just stay on your phone, but how much better would it be if you could enjoy them every day?

We’re resolving to USE our photos this year, and we’d invite you to join us! Scroll through for our favorite ideas right now, but we’re so curious: what do YOU do with your favorite camp pictures? Share your tips and tricks with us in the comments!

  1. Print them out. Okay, we know, this one is obvious, but how often do we actually do it? Printique is known for their quality, and Mpix and Snapfish are great places to look as well, or even your local drugstore! No matter how you do it, just take a few minutes and get some prints made. You can frame them, craft with them, or send them in the mail to your camp friends; a photo print is always better than one on your phone!
  2. Make a traveling photo journal for your cabin. We’ve heard of cabin groups sending around clothing (a-la Traveling Pants style) or even a platic coyote (if you know, you know!), but what if your cabin made a photo journal, and sent it back and forth to record your favorite memories? We love the one from Social Print Studio, but you could easily DIY your own. Don’t wait for someone else to do it - you can start one today!
  3. Design a custom “countdown to camp” photo calendar. There are endless ways to create your own photo calendar, but what if you made a camp-themed calendar that helped you count down the days until next summer? You could fill it with reminders to write your Penpal, finish your forms, and start packing. Before you know it, you’ll have a whole new year’s worth of photos to start with!
  4. Integrate them into a camp keepsake box. Every Greystone Girl needs a special box to store her camp treasures like Council Fire patches, Banquet awards, and plane letters. A box like this will become an heirloom, especially if you make it personal with camp pictures that are bound to stir up sweet memories!
  5. Think beyond the print! These days what you can do with your photos is only limited by your creativity. You could make buttons, phone cases, puzzles, or even socks featuring your favorite camp pictures. You could even turn your pics into custom artwork, perfect for your camp bestie’s birthday!

No matter what you do with your camp pictures, may this be your friendly reminder to use and enjoy them! Photos were made to be cherished and enjoyed, so let’s all make this the year we get them off of our phones and into our every day lives. After all, camp pictures are the best way to preserve those memories until we meet again!