What Do You Learn at Greystone? Hear from Our Campers!

Since 1920, parents have greeted their daughters on Closing Day with some version of “you have grown so much!” Physical growth is a part of that of course (you never know how much someone can shoot up in 5 weeks until it happens!), but we see so much emotional, spiritual, and social growth in our campers every summer, no matter how long they stay.

Camp gives girls the chance to learn skills like Archery, swimming, and even making their beds, but it also helps them learn independence, confidence, and social skills… just to name a few! The concept of 4-Fold Growth rings true - Greystone Girls grow spiritually, socially, mentally, and physically every day at camp, and they’re having so much fun, they might not even realize it until later.

But what does this actually look like? There’s no one better to tell you than some of our 2022 campers! We’ll let them take it from here, but we want to hear from you as well. Past campers and staff, how did you grow at Greystone? And parents, how have you seen your daughter grow? Add in your thoughts in the comments! We all take something a little different away from the summer, but it’s always beautiful.

Physical Growth

  • “I learned how to be independent.” - Collier, Junior Camper
  • Trying new things is fun and your camp friends will always support you when you’re scared to do something like the Blob” - Sydney, Main Camper
  • “I learned a lot this summer and I grew a lot as a person. A couple things I learned was a headstand and how to make a friendship bracelet.” - Grace, August Camper
  • “I learned that I should really never go on a spinning berry ride at Carnival!” - Wesley, August Camper
  • “I learned that I can do anything! And I really really want to do gymnastics again.” - Annabelle, August Camper
  • “I learned that I am beautiful no matter what.” - Merrill, Main Camper

Social Growth

  • “I learned that a smile can make a lifelong friendship.” - Sims, Junior Camper
  • “I learned how to show kindness in my everyday life.” - Amelia, Main Camper
  • “I learned that plane letters are awesome!” - Lucy, Main Camper
  • “I have become more patient with others and it has allowed me to have more fun. - Reagan, Main Camper
  • “I learned how to be quiet during Rest Hour!” - Elizabeth, August Camper
  • “I learned that just because you don’t get to do something doesn’t mean you can’t be happy for your friends who do.” - Annie, August Camper
  • “I learned how to be myself with my friends.” - Charlotte, August Camper

Mental Growth

  • “I learned all the Greystone songs!” - Ava, Junior Camper
  • “I learned that I love camp.” - Berkley, Junior Camper
  • “It’s way more fun to not have electronics.” - Evie, August Camper
  • “I learned that I can do hard things. Finding your people means finding the peopleyou feel like yourself with.” - Neely, Main Camper
  • “I learned how to be independent and stay on my schedule without reminders from my family.” - Isabella, August Camper
  • “Do not wear white tennis shoes!” - Eleanor, August Camper
  • “You need a real campfire to make good s’mores.” - Sophia, August Camper
  • “I learned that when you practice an activity, you can get better at it.” - Harper, August Camper

Spiritual Growth

  • “I learned that I have influence that can be used for good. God made me unique!” - Eliza, Main Camper
  • “I learned how to be a servant leader and use my voice to glorify God.” - Kennedy, Main Camper
  • “I learned that when you have storms in your life, God and Jesus are right there with you.” - Alice, August Camper
  • “I learned that Greystone is focussed on God and not on wordly things. It is easy to smile at random people and they smile back! It is very positive and beautiful.” - Lillian, Main Camper
  • “I learned that Greystone is a slice of heaven - here we are free to put away all the distractions and restrictions of life and live purely as the people God has made us to be.” - Bailey, Main Camper