Alumnae, We Want Your Updates!

No matter if you were at Greystone for one year or twenty, if you joined us as a camper, staff member, or as a parent, we consider you a part of our community, and we want to keep in touch with you!

What we’d really love is to grab a mug of Little River coffee and sit down on the Dining Hall porch with each of you for a long DMC. We’d ask all about your life, your family, your camp friends, and what you’ve been up to since you last left the gates. But until the day that we can all be back in Tuxedo together, we’ve got something that will do!

Today we’re rolling out our new Alumnae News and Update Form - your place to update your contact information, tell us about your camp reunions, brag on yourself or a friend, or let us know how you want to be involved at camp in the future.

We’ll be using the information gathered here to update our contact lists, gather data and stories for future alumnae posts, see what ideas you have for alumnae events in the future, and just celebrate all of the amazing things our Greystone Girls are doing out in the world! So don’t be shy - take a few minutes and come check in with us.

We can’t wait to catch up and hear what’s been going on in your life lately!