Introducing the Greystone Podcast!

The days are cold, you’ve got the January blues, and camp just seems SO far away - we’re feeling it too! But what if we told you that we have a way for you to go back to Greystone for half an hour? To be surrounded by the sounds, to hear the voices of people you love, and remember the truths you hold so dear during the summer?

That’s exactly why we created The Green and Gold Campcast: our first ever Greystone podcast! This is a dream we’ve had for years, and John Miller took on the project last summer. The final product is incredible - beyond what we could have hoped, and we could not be more excited to share the first episode with you!

Today we’re releasing Episode 1: Greystone Everyday, where you’ll go on an audio journey with us through a day at camp. You’ll hear the sounds you’d expect like bugles and bells, but you’ll also hear some voices you might recognize, and be reminded just why camp means so much to all of us.

To find it, follow this link, or search for “The Green and Gold Campcast” in your podcast player of choice. Right now you can find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, but other platforms will be coming soon. While you’re there, go ahead and subscribe so that our next episode goes straight to your podcast feed! We’ll be releasing an episode each month leading up to camp, so stay tuned for some great stuff coming to your ears soon.

Even if you’re not a podcast person, trust us and listen to this one. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll feel like you’re back in your happy place for a few minutes. Isn’t that what we all need right now?