What Does Our Head Staff Do Right After Camp?

Summer 2021 came to a close a few weeks ago, and we’re still basking in the glory of what God did over the last few months… and just how fun it was! By this point you’ve unpacked your trunk (and done all that laundry!), looked through the hundreds (and hundreds!) of camp photos, and have started back to school. We know you have your own post-camp routines, but what about our Head Staff?

We poured everything we had into the last 12 (plus!) weeks, and ate, slept, a breathed CAMP every minute of the day. So what happens when the gates close for the final time? How do we transition back to “normal” life? The answer is a little different for all of us, but you’ll see some common denominators here!


Takes things a little slower in the weeks after camp! He gets back to reading a little bit of everything - novels, newspapers, magazines, blogs from other camps, and (fun fact!) car blogs. He finds great books to listen to on audible and is always searching for another podcast. The biggest change in his routine is getting back to cooking, which he loves! And of course, you can find him hanging out at Putt Cove and taking the boat out any chance he gets.


Post-camp, you can find Katie spending a few days at home, doing nothing but putting her house back together, as it gets “totally out of control” during the summer. Relatable! She’s also a big cook, and likes to put some family favorites on the menu, and cue up some good moveis. It’s the simple things!


Or should we say “LaLa,” because that is who she gets to be right after camp! Her favorite title is getting to be LaLa to her grandchildren, and spending lots of time with them in the fall. Their family always goes to the beach, and relishes not having to wake up to an alarm.


For Sarah the post-camp time is all about reading and family! She’s always hunting for the perfect thriller or beach read that is engaging enough so she won’t fall asleep as she’s recovering from a big summer. You can find lots of snack boards and charcuterie plates in the Brown house as they ease back into cooking. They try to schedule something as a family soon after camp, taking the “tech-free” part of camp with them. Fun fact: Sarah’s favorite post-camp treat is a morning trip to Starbucks!


You can find EA enjoying lots of good take-out and books after camp! (We all pretty much forget how to cook during the summer.) She and James like to settle in at the lake as much as possible and enjoy time with family. They just had a “staycation” with their whole family in Flat Rock over Labor Day! Who else is going to try to negotiate an invite to that next year??


The absolute first thing Alli does after camp is throw Murphy a birthday party! (She turned 4 this year!) She’s always excited about getting back into her Momleta fitness classes, and planning dinners out at her favorite restaurants so she doesn’t have to cook. They make time for pontoon rides around the lake and schedule a few movie nights to take a breather before the craziness of school starts!


Our newest member of the Head Staff team carves out time to get lost on the Blue Ridge Parkway on his motorcycle (!). You can also find him “hibernating” with a good Netflix show, so if you have any recommendations for him, comment them down below!


As for me, you can find me with my nose in a book 80% of the time after camp. For this introvert, I’m about ready to NOT talk for a little bit… and catch up on all my library holds that have been languishing during the summer months! We spend the weeks after camp settling back into life in Raleigh and trying to remember how to be normal people again. I also get very excited about catching up on the (embarrassing) Reality TV I’ve missed. Bachelor in Paradise, here I come!

So there you have it - lots of reading and resting and eating good food! Do you have any particular post-camp traditions you make time for every year? Share them with us below! And if you have questions about other “behind the scenes” aspects of our team or camp life, let us know. You might see them covered in an upcoming Blog!