Early Bird Enrollments Are Open!

Here in Tuxedo we’re still feeling the glow of the incredible summer that just passed, but it’s time to turn our attention to next year, because Early Bird enrollments open today!

The Early Bird program gives our 2021 families the first opportunity to enroll in the session of their choice for 2022. Spaces fill quickly after the Early Bird, and you can always cancel before the November deadline if your plans change, so we would highly recommend going ahead and saving your spot in these next two weeks!

The Early Bird period lasts for two weeks; you can enroll any time between now and Monday, August 30th. 2021 parents, check your emails for more information and full instructions on how to apply for next summer. Have questions or need help? Just reach out!

2021 campers, we miss you already, but we’re already counting the days until next year. We hope we get to see ALL of you there!